Sunday 1 February 2009

I've Been Playing With My Balls..

I put some cardboard in the barrel and then on top of that a piece of polymer clay, to seal any gaps. I then mixed up some green clay with liquid clay to get a slimy colour. I put some of the glass balls in the barrel and poured the liquid clay over the top, just so it started to run down the side. Popped it in the oven and this is the result. The liquid clay did continue to run, but it's formed a lovely puddle around the Barrel..
I'll be back later, with the other experiment I've tried..That one involves glass paint..


  1. It looks realy grubby!
    * marlies

  2. Looks fantastic Debbie. I knew you could make it look wonderful!
    I'm working on a cauldron and hopefully if it turns out right i can make it bubble too.
    Going to do purple bubbles mixed with red.
    I also forgot to tell you that you can use wadding if you pull it apart and drape down sides and stuff like that, and mix with coloured liquid fimo before you bake.

  3. Love this barrel of slimey goo!ha ha! What a fab idea. Cannot wait to see what else you will make. Lol Kat the hat lady

  4. Yuk, lokks like somtihng from the gallblather

  5. EWWWWWW, that looks slimy and yucky and FANTASTIC!!!

    The title of your post reminds me of a joke I heard YEARS ago. It was in Readers Digest I think. A young mother and her small son were at the bank. He was running around, getting into things, being a typical young boy. The mother, getting tired of his havoc, picked him up and sat him down on the counter rather strongly. He looked at her and said, now, you did it, you busted my balls! Everyone looked at him and the mother who was in a state of shock. The little boy reached into his pocket and pulled out some plastic type balls that were now cracked . . . . .

  6. The barrels look wonderful. Well done.

    PS You've been tagged. Please visit my blog to find out more.
    Love Jayne xxx

  7. Eewwwww! Looks like rancid tapioca!

    Inspired idea though, although those with a sensitive gag reflex might want to avoid it :-Q

  8. Heheee, eeeewww! Those are super yucky cool! ;)

  9. Debbie,
    You constantly amaze me with your creativity. I am learning so much from you!
