Sunday 1 February 2009

Glass Balls....

Nikki, left a comment on my blog yesterday, with an idea on filling the barrels. (See Barrels Post).
She suggested using tiny glass balls and kindly sent me a picture with an example.
Now years ago, Ed, (he's the man that makes all my glass) sent me a bag of little glass balls, just in case I could use them. So off I went today to have a rummage in the Boot Room and yippee I found them.
They are approximately 3mm in diameter, so should be just right for my little experiment..
Just shows I don't throw anything away, just knew I'd find a use for them one day and today's the day... So this afternoon I'll be playing with my balls. LOL...


  1. Y'see.....EVERYTHING will come in useful some day.

  2. Have fun with your balls... oh lol!

  3. Debbie, where did you get the skull that tells the time? I so want one of those. Don't forget i need full idiot instructions on how to do it... please!

  4. I see you had great fun!:)
    I think this little balls also sit in the fillings of pens. aren't they?
    Have a lovely day and (hopefully) enjoy the snow!
