Tuesday 17 February 2009

I've Been Kissed By A Prince...

I had a lovely surprise when I turned on the Computer this morning. To find that I had been awarded A Kissed By A Prince Award from Silke Janas-Schloesser here's what Silke said on her blog:-

Its Tuesday!!!

...that means I have another chance to give the Tuesday´s award " Kissed by a Prince" for Blog I really enjoy and admire... and I will take the chance !!!( you can read about the award in my older posts. If I probably don´t know your blog or haven´t noticed it for long, please don´t hesitate to invite me to visit your blog !and we here ( me,my assistant Liesl Troll, my King of thieves and Ruby Tuesday with her magical Toad will decide if you may deeeeeeseeerrrrve that award too in future ;o)

For this time, the award goes to:
Debbie from Tiny Treasures - I visit you almost daily and truly enjoy your postings!

I am truly honoured Silke to receive this award from you. Thank you so much.
If you haven't visited Silke's blog, you must go and visit. Her wonderful Sculpts are fantastic and full of Character.


  1. Well done Debbie. It's such a fab award. Plus a well deserved award for all the work you do, everything you try, write about and all the wonderful hints and tips thrown in along the way.
    Its also a blog of perfection and i know i too enjoy having a nose on a daily basis.
    Keep up the great work, all your tutorials and once again Well Done!
    Nikki x

  2. What a wonderful award. You certainly deserve it Debbie. I come to your blog several times a day. Love it. Mini hugs!

  3. What a KEWL award!!! I go through withdrawals, Debbie, if I don't see any postings on your blog :) Mini hugs :) Marsha

  4. Congrats Debbie! Now that's an award to be proud of for all of the good work that you do. I hesitate to point out that your prince seems kind of warty.... Anyway, you deserve it! Good going!

  5. Congratulations You deserve it!

    Keep up the miniature spirit!
