Tuesday 13 January 2009

Thank You All...

What a wonderful Birthday I had yesterday. I'd like to Thank everyone that sent me Birthday Greetings, I was overwhelmed with every one's kindness.
Special Thanks to Kim at Its a Miniature Life for the scene of a Miniature Birthday Party.(Kim I've borrowed your picture, hope you don't mind). I could just see Me, Kim and Marsha, sitting around the table stuffing ourselves with Cake.. Marsha did you notice it was covered in Pink Icing.. (Marsha Loves Pink LOL).
Also to Vicky at NJD Miniatures, who wrote a lovely post about me yesterday, and posted a Happy Birthday Card on her blog. Also to Marsha at Sassy Mini Dolls & Sandra at Tales Of A Toymaker, for the lovely E-Cards they sent me.
Also to Casey at Casey's Minis, Nikki at Witch & Wizard Miniatures for the Birthday emails. And to everyone else who left lovely comments on my blog, THANK YOU. You all, made my day one to remember. Big Mini Hugs to you all... xxxx
Oh I nearly forgot, a couple of pictures of my real Birthday Cake, a luxury Chocolate Truffle Gateaux, which we also had Double Cream with... Have a virtual slice... Now this would look good in Miniature... Don't forget there's still time to enter the "Birthday Give Away", just leave your answers in the comments. You have until Wednesday Evening, so get entering....


  1. Aww gee I'm late! Happy
    Birthday Debbie. It looked like a GREAT party! (love the dolls!) What a fun party! That gold tea set is fantastic! I'll post there too.

  2. Oh, yeah, I want a slice!!! Your cake looks sinfully delicious!!!! Oh, Debbie, how cute, you, Kim and me having a slice of PINK birthday cake!! LOL Aren't Kim's scenes wonderful! She has that special touch! I met her in person last May at the Elegant Dollhouse swap meet which is coming up again this May! It sounds like you had a simply wonderful birthday, Debbie!

  3. mmm that cake looks delicious, happy belated birthday! x hel x

  4. Marsha,
    Let me tell you that Cake was so rich, that we only had a sliver each. Good thing is we can have another sliver tonight...LOL..

  5. Hi Debbie:) Happy belated birthday to you. Hope it was nice:)looks like the dolls had a great party.

  6. Wow Debbie, Now thats a birthday cake. It looks rich. That would last me awhile. Glad you had a wonderful birthday. You deserve it. Our miniature versions had a little too much pink cake and got tummy aches LOL. Mini hugs!

  7. That cake looks so delicius.
    You woke my bakemind earlier, so I´m going to bake to morrow.

  8. Hi my friend, happy birthday again, this cake is delicious... HUmmmmmm, kisses... Come on in my blog, have a surprise for you...
