Monday 12 January 2009

"Birthday Give Away"..

As you all know its my Birthday today, and I'd like to give someone else a Present today as well.
To make this as fair as possible, I've waited till now, because of the time differences all over the world.
All you have to do is answer this question:- I have three shops in my Diagon Alley Street Scene, what are they?
Just put your answer in the comments on this blog posting. For those of you that get all three correct, your names will go in the hat, and one of my boys will draw the name on Wednesday Evening. I will then post the winners name on my blog and ask the winner to email me via my profile page with their address, so that I can post it off, and don't worry I'm paying the postage...
The prize is a beautiful Gold Coloured Tea Service by Reutter Porcelain, it is brand new in its box and is worth approx £40.00.
To get you started there is a clue in my side bar....But you may have to look back in the blog to find all three...
Mini Hugs Everyone and have Fun.. x


  1. Happy Birthday!
    I just recently found your blog and spent the morning reading it. You have such wonderful projects. The three projects are the Apothecary, Flourish & Blotts and Eeylop's Owl Emporium.

  2. What a love gift you are giving away on YOUR birthday! I hope you're having a wonderful day!

    Mini hugs!


  3. Apothecary, Eeylops Owl Enporium & Flourish & Blotts

  4. Hallo Debby
    Happy birthday and many good yaers I wisch to You.
    And that make more such wonderful
    mini thinks and projects.
    So that whe can look at the thinks you make. They are always wonderful. A hope you have a very fine day with your family

    Love Joke

    I have seen Apothecary, Eeylops Owl Enporium & Flourish & Blotts

  5. All righty. I went and checked things out! OMG, Debbie, what a FABULOUS project!!! I believe they are the Apothecary, Flourish & Blotts and Eeylop's Owl Emporium.

  6. Debbie. Not going to enter because i won't use the gold in my witches scenes if i was ever so lucky enough to win. They are so beautiful and too good for my grungy, dirty everything style mini's. I know they will go to the perfect home if i don't enter.
    Had a look all the way through your blog and found all your shops so have kind of taken part. I love the scene with the apothercary bottle in the window.
    Also love the cauldrons with the unique legs and the cobbles they sit on. Such wonderful displays!

  7. Oh wow! What a give-away!
    I hope you are having a wonderful, lovely birthday and your next year will be... succulent and filled with miniatures. Your Diagonal Alley -project is just amazing... I found Flourish & Blotts, Eeylop's Owl Emporium and Apothecary.

  8. Hello Debbie!Happy Birthday!I love your blog, your mini projects and your cute animals!I only make miniature cakes and sweets but I hope that one day I will be able to make as many things as you can!The three shops in your Diagon Alley Street Scene are 1.the Apothecary, 2.Flourish and Blotts and 3.Eeylop's Owl Emporium.
    Best wishes,
    a friend from Greece :-)))

  9. I had to go through ALL your blog because the names are different from the italian translation...
    Are they the Apothecary, the Flourish & Blotts and the Eeylop's Owl Emporium?
    I swear I have not cheated and didn't look at the answers!!
    I'd not seen the shops before and they are so "magic".
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank you for the nice idea Mini Hugs :-)


    I love the three shops. Did you do the buildings yourself? I think that I need to go back and re read all of your blog from the beginning again! Eeylop's Owl Emporium, Flourish and Blotts and the Apothecary. Somehow I think that someone else already said that.:-)

    Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  11. Hope you've had a wonderful day!

    I've been trawling back through your blog and the answers to your question are the Apothecary, Flourish and Blotts, and Eelop's Owl Emporium

  12. Happy Birthday day to you!
    This is so fun... a birthday game. The shops were flourish & Blotts, Eeylops Owl Emporium, and Apothecary. Emily's school did "Harry Potter"fans agaist "Twilight"fans at school today. She wore things for both.
    Glad you liked the doll party. Mini hugs!

  13. Happy birthday!!
    My name is Eva and I am writting this e-mail from Spain, from a city very close to Barcelona.
    Just few words to say you that you have a very beautiful blog and I have enjoyed very much visiting it, specially the miniatures but also the other posts.
    I hope that you don't mind that I have linked your blog to mine.
    If there is a problem, please tell me.
    Best wishes


  14. What a wonderful gift you are giving away. I would very much like to have my name entered as well if it is not too late. My three guesses are "Apothecary, Flourish & Blotts, and Eeylops Owl Emporium" and I enjoyed my second to Diagonal Alley. It is a great project.

  15. Happy Birthday!!
    Just read this on Kim's blog, I didn't know but I'm glad to know it now :)
    Hope you had a wonderful day!
    I'm not trying to get the present, I've got already too much at home lol!

    Big mini-hugs to you!!

  16. Hi Debbie,
    I'm late, I was lost in your beautifull site. So many to see, I have not seen all yet.
    I hope you had a nice day! My answer is the Apthecary, Eeylops Owl Enporium and Flourish & Blotts.

    hugs marlies

  17. Hi Debbie . I hope you have had a great day.
    Those I could see are the Apothercary,
    Eeylops Owl Emperium and Florish & Blotts.
    Hope I`m not to late *smile*

  18. The answer is: Apothecary, Flourish and Blotts, and Eelop's Owl Emporium.
    Happy birthday!!!

  19. Birthday hugs!!!

    ...and the answers once more, although everyone else has given it already

    Apothecary, Eeylops Owl Emporium, Flourish & Blotts.

  20. Sorry,in my answer this without the letter y:
    Eeylops Owl Emporium

  21. Hi Debbie,
    Happy Birthday to you! So nice to share it in this way. I LOVE your chocolate cake, can I have a piece?

    The shops are Eeylop's Owl Emporium, Flourish & Blotts and the Apothecary. I think your prize is delightful and I hope I win!

    Are you coming to Castine in June? Love to see you there.

    Best wishes from America,
    Cookie Z.

  22. Happy Birthday! Mine was last Wednesday, the 7th so I hope I win! It's the Apothecary, Flourish and Botts and Eeylops Owl Emporium! And by the way, I came late to your party (pardon the pun) as a follower of your blog and I have got to go back and read all about your Diagon Alley project. Did you make those wonderful owls, for example? And where did you get the cauldrons?! Harry Potter will remain my favorite book series forever! I can't believe your workmanship and attention to detail!


  23. Hello hanny, congratulations for you birthday, many years of your life, be happy... Kisses and hugs, Valéria.

  24. Happy Birthday! Wow, I hadn't taken the time to look at your Diagon Alley.....FABULOUS!!! The shops I saw were, Apothecary, Flourish & Blotts and Eeylop's Owl Emporium.

    Gaye ~ AKA MiniMaker=)

  25. Apothecary, Flourish & Blotts and Eeylop's Owl Emporium and might I say what a great miniature collection! Happy Birthday Wishes to you!

  26. Happy happy birthday, Debby and it was so sweet of you to come over (to my blog)with your invite. You are really quite amazing (a little loss for words!!) I did check out your blog but was a little shy to post the names. Anyhow, I believe your post about Diagon Alley Street Scene is one with pics. The street is under heavy construction? There were quite a few shops there but only three with names and they are the Apothecary, Flourish & Blotts and Eeylop's Owl Emporium. I am "making" a "pewter" set of tableware. If not for the fact that it is such an amateurish effort, it would be a birthday gift to you :)! AND may you have many more!!

  27. congratulations !!!!!
    I have taken a virtual piece of cake, very good!

    Thanks for your message, my English is a translator .. there are many things I do not understand.
    can Apothecary, Eeylops Owl & Enporium Flourish & Blotts

  28. Happy B-day! Oh what a pretty tea set! hey you're supposed to get the gifts. ha! Now the witch in my greenhouse was muttering about melting the gold down (she's NOT getting near it!), the wizard said he needed the gold for some spells (I'm locking him up too...) the only worthy people in my mini world are maybe Mabel and her friend Mary - they love tea parties! (You can see them at my dolls page - see, click minis then dolls link at top.) Fun fun!

  29. Ok now I'll actually answer the question. ha! Apothecary, Flourish & Blotts and Eeylop's Owl Emporium. Love the project!

  30. Happy Birthday!! Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and inviting me over. You are so kind.

    I enjoyed so much looking back through the pictures you have of Diagon Alley. It all looks so life-like. It seems to me that there's an Apothecary, Flourish and Blotts, and Eeylops.

    Again, Happy Birthday, even if I'm a day late getting over, and I love the "miniture" gift you received. Wow!


  31. Congratulations, Debbie, by your 45 birthdays. I wait to see you for other 45 years. With respect to your question, my answer is that the name of the stores is:
    -Flourish & Blotts
    -Eeylops Owl Emporium
    I have enjoyed in your blog looking for the answers.Thank you.
    I hope you have a nice day with your family. Kiss

  32. Hello Debbie! Belated but very warm congratulations on your birthday!

    My answer to your question is Apothecary, Eeylops Owl Emporium and Flourish & Blotts.

    Hugs, Minna

  33. I did a search through your blog to find the answers -- but first I have tos ay -- those everything I saw in your blog was spectacular! I'm just floored by how realistic your food items are. Wow. Anyway - the Flourish & Blotts, the Apothecary and Eeylop's Owl Emporium are the answers, I believe. Not sure about spelling on all of them. Now I want to go get my dollhouse out...

  34. In all my excitement, I forgot to say, Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  35. hoi debby....
    i hope jou hade a great day!
    the 3 projects are
    1 apothecs/apothecary
    2 Florich & Blotts
    3 Eeylops Owl emporium
    hugs marja

  36. Hi Debbie, Happy Birthday and congratulations on your new 4-legged mini, he's adorable! The 3 shops are: Flourish & Blotts, Eeylops Owl Emporium, and the Apothecary! :)

  37. Hi Debbie, Happy birthday!!
    The three shops are the Apothecary, Flourish & Blotts and Eeylop's Owl Emporium.
    I hope that your birthday was a wonderful day!!!

  38. Wow you got a pony for your birthday! Awesome! :D
    Also, strangely, I've been cleaning out my bedroom, and I found a full size teaset that looks like that Reutter one.
    Nice competition idea, I might have to do a draw like that on my blog sometime.

  39. Hello Debbie, I gladly participate in your lottery, hoping to win of course! the gift is wonderful, I would love to have him in my hands ...
    first of all, I will renew my best wishes for your birthday, I hope you have spent the day quietly ...
    and then, thanks to the clues you gave, I tell you that you have three shops in Diagon Alley:
    Flourish & Blotts Bookshop
    Eeylops Owl Emporium ... it can not read the name well ...
    is OK??
    and you, as you are, the better it?
    kisses, Caterina
