Tuesday 6 November 2007


Well the roofers managed to felt and baton the veranda roof yesterday, so today its up the scaffolding for me to do some pointing before they come back tomorrow! Its a lovely day but chilly, wish I'd never thrown them thermals away!
Andrew finished cutting the hedges and they look all neat and tidy now, expect him to call up later this week with the bill. I'll try and take some more pictures today.
Rang my friend Diane yesterday to see how she is recovering after her operation. She seems ok, but a bit fed up cause she can't do anything, she said that she's having good and bad days. Told her that I will try and get to see her this week if I can. Haven't been down there in case I gave her the virus we all had.
My Miniatures are finishing on Ebay today, hopefully they will all sell. See Hazel's bidding on a few bits. Hazel left a comment on my blog, to say that she's really loves the Pumpkins, so pleased she finally got them..
Well I'm off now to get cracking on the roof.
Good Luck Katie with your exam today, hope it goes well for you... xxx

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