Monday 5 November 2007


Well its all happening here today.... Old Roof is now off, all new woodwork going in and Andrew is here cutting our hedges... I've asked him to do the hedge on the inside of the bottom field at the back of the cottages, as its really overgrown and looks awful, really needs a good tidy up. So I've had to move the boys into the little paddock while he's doing it. Warrior is a little fat pudding, if only you could have seen him running to me as I called him...

I've also uploaded some pictures of the utility room as well, that I've taken today. As you can see its drying out lovely. We've also put some new fencing in behind the caravan, as there is quite a drop from the drive, eventually I'll turn a couple of ponies out on there to keep the grass down, well it will save on the mowing...

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