Thursday 22 November 2007

Christmas Shopping

Sorry no post yesterday.. Went to Swansea to get some Christmas shopping, managed to get The Boot Sale Queens boys their presents, got the two little ones a little Scooby Doo hoodie each and the older two a nice T-Shirt, also got them some bubble bath stuff and chocolates, so that's another 4 of my list. I've already got Tash & Geoff's, but not saying what it is cause, they both read my blog. Hi Creature..I've only got a couple more presents to get and then I'm done. Popped in to see Tash on the way home, showed her what I'd got the boys. Got home mucked out the ponies and then frantically wrapped some parcels and took them to the post office. Everything I had on Ebay sold...

Today, its catch up with washing and a general tidy up, plus get some unibond on the other walls in the Utility room so its ready for painting. Hopefully units will be in by the weekend and another worktop is being delivered on Monday.. We hadn't ordered enough. Got to pop out today to get some piping and a bag of ready mix cement for a hole in the floor. Also need to get some more bits on Ebay, so best get my finger out...
I've put a couple of pictures on here of Merlin so you can see what a handsome chap he is, when he keeps still long enough to have his picture taken...

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