Tuesday 20 November 2007

Catch Up With Mini Friends.

I started writing out my Christmas Cards last night, think I managed to get about sixty written.
While I was going through the address box I thought I'd give a couple of my friends Mary and Cilla a ring. I met them both at Miniaturia some years ago, they had gone there with a group of friends from their Dolls House Club, we sat at the same table while having a cuppa and got chatting and I've kept in touch with them ever since. They are both really lovely ladies. Hi Girls if your reading this....
Been wrapping up miniatures this morning ready to be posted this afternoon, every bit I listed on Ebay has sold, I've got more finishing today and they've all got bids.

I've got some new bits to list that I've been working on so watch this blog... I've only got a couple of Vegetable boards left, from the batch I made before and none of the fruit salad boards. (see previous posts) Really need to get my finger out and get making. Just don't seem to have enough time in the day at the moment...

Our friends Helen & Ray sent some pictures to us via email the other day, of Ray's son Perry at his passing out parade, doesn't he look smart. Congratulations Perry, you should be extremely proud of yourself, well done on all your hard work and keep safe.

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