Sunday 15 July 2007

Gloomy Sunday

The weather here today is awful, very overcast and misty, had some rain as well. Spoke to a couple of friends today back in Kent and its blazing hot there. Wish they could send some up here!

Spoke to Karen today and she has persuaded me to show one of the ponies at the Cardigan show on 1st August, rang the lady that deals with the show entries and she's allowed me to enter although the entries closed on the 11Th. Should be a giggle, never show before in my life so have no idea what I'm supposed to do, but Karen's daughter Lisa said that she would help me. Picking the new filly's up on Wednesday and Karen & Richard are bringing the Stallions over next weekend. So will have to make sure everything in order for them.

Spoke to a dear friend Carol today to catch up. Carol was very close to my Mum & Dad and has known me since I was a little girl. She's made me promise that I'll wear some makeup at the show.Hi Carol if your reading this. Size is the same.....Give my love to John & Dolly x

Spoke to Tanya today, it was Ayden's birthday yesterday and she'd taken him & Kiera down to Hastings for the day, but it took her four hours plus to get home as the motorway was shut due to a fatal crash. Caught up with all the news & gossip. Had a really good laugh over an incident that happened ages ago to us & Tanya, all I'll say is that Tanya was having one of her fishwife episodes at the time in Nuxley Village..

Also spoke to Ruth who lived in the next turning to us back in Kent, told me her Dad is suffering from Shingles, do hope he's better soon & also that my old Avon lady Bev's husband is in Kings hospital quite poorly. I wish him well.

Harry didn't go riding today, as it was miserable weather and he was tired. I rang Nicky to cancel and just hope the weather improves by next weekend.Ben had a great time with his friend on Saturday and has set up his new printer today, so he's well happy.

Took some pictures of the kitchen again today. You can see the difference painting the beams as made. Scaffolding tower had to come down so that we could move the boxes underneath the beams that have been painted, its going back up again tomorrow. Still loads of painting to do but its quite difficult trying to work round everything and still use the kitchen to cook in.

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