Monday 16 July 2007

Busy Monday

Got up bright and early this morning as the Calor gas rep was coming to check out our think tank, it's not sending its signal properly. Ben didn't go to school today as they have activities week this week and they can choose to go in or not. He didn't fancy what was on to day so stayed at home.
Diane rang told her that I'm going to Cardigan Show, she was really pleased as she is showing their as well. So we can give each other moral support.
Calor Gas Rep called about 8.40am fixed the problem and off he went.
I then went down to the Stables to clean them out completely. I've been deep littering the stables, but it was time they were cleaned out thoroughly and disinfected, especially as we have the new ponies coming this week. That took till 11.45am and we lost count of how many barrow fulls we took out. Then of to The Saddle Shop in Emlyn at 12noon to meet Karen, as she had kindly brought over her show bridle, to have it measured by Debbie,(not me the Saddle Maker), to make me one the same to fit Cravat for the show... Also needed to get a leather lead rein with chain and a bit & Chain. Met Karen & Lisa (who'd also had a crafty day off school) in the saddle shop and bridle and other bits now on order and hopefully it will all be ready this time next week... Then we all came back to ours for a cuppa and chat. Also took Karen & Lisa round to the far field to see Neo & Magic.
Then it was off to Emlyn again as I'd finally received a cheque from my car insurance company for my excess to pay into the bank. Popped in the supermarket, then round to the school to pick Harry up. Straight home for tea. Then on Ben's PC to check my Ebay, as some of my listed items were selling today, and was pleasantly surprised that everything that was ending today has sold. Just waiting on payment for some items.
I've added a couple of pic's of the kitchen as for some reason that wouldn't load onto my blog yesterday.
Have you also noticed that I've added a counter to my blog to see how many people are looking in on us.

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