Wednesday 4 July 2007

Catch Up!

Not posted for a couple of days been loads going on.

Sunday afternoon we had a knock from the gent who owns the cottage at the bottom of one of our fields, advising us that the cottage was unsafe and that builders would be here Monday to demolish the cottage, but would be leaving the back all up as this bordered our land and if any damage caused they would reinstate. Told him that if the builders needed to come in the field they could but to stay to the edges as we are growing hay.

Monday Harry didn't go to school as he was shattered after his trip away with the Scouts, he didn't get back to the pick up point until 9.30 on Sunday evening. He was covered in mud, so got him straight in the shower when we got home and then off to bed. He finally arose from his pit at 10.30 on Monday morning.

Monday morning the builders arrived to start taking down the cottage, went down and spoke to the builder who was on site and he advised me that they would reinstate any damage. Took my camera down and took loads of pictures for further reference concerning the boundary. Also went into Newcastle Emlyn to get passport form checked for Ben as he is going away with the school in October and travelling up to Scotland to see friends at the end of July. My Friend Di came over as well to check Sheamus and have a catch up on all the goings on.

Tuesday I booked Ben's & his friend's tickets online. Lets hope Ben's passport is here in time otherwise they need a form from the police station to verify their age and that I have agreed to let him fly unaccompanied. Work still continuing on the cottage and the wall was still there last night. Got a call from Many Tears Animal rescue who asked if I could do a home vetting for them at a house in Brongest, which is not far from us. Agreed. Rang the people and popped over to check everything OK, which it was.

Wednesday morning rang Many Tears let them know that home visit was OK, then went to Carmarthen. Called in the tile shop to see if they had any tiles I liked but wasn't that impressed with their selection. Went to B & Q managed to get the paint for the kitchen and a couple of bedside lamps for my bedroom that were reduced in the sale from £34.95 down to £7.65, I do love a bargain. Also got some other bits that we need for the kitchen. Called into Carmarthen Police station regarding this ID card and to start with they had no idea what I was talking about, then they understood what I wanted and told me to contact the Council who run the scheme in conjunction with the Police. Popped into see Tash the boot sale queen on the way home. Then we we got back went down to see the builders cause the boundary wall has gone and they have put up stock fencing quite some way into our field cause the land slopes down to where the cottage was and they couldn't put it on the boundary line else my horses could have stepped over it. Made them put in two posts on the boundary line and then measured from the end cottage on the row to see how much it was out by. It turns out to be between 4 & 5 Foot. (See Picture above) Told the builder that I want the owner to contact me regarding the boundary, because if he now sells that piece of land we are going to get trouble with the boundary line and I want either a retaining wall put back there or a high fence on his side. Again took loads of pictures and am awaiting a phone call from the owner. Rang the Council regarding the ID and eventually managed to speak to a really helpful lady who runs the scheme and she is putting the forms in the post for me this evening. Di rang me tonight in a bit of a panic, she had gone to pick up one of her mares from the stud yesterday and the lorry broke down, they thought it was the fan belt. So they brought a fan belt today took it over with them to the stud where they'd left the lorry overnight and it turns out to be the alternator. Could she borrow my trailer to get the horse & foal home. Of course I said yes and they came straight away to pick it up.

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