Thursday 5 July 2007

Another Wet Day In Wales!

Geoff rang last night to ask Mick if he wanted the trailer cause its taking up loads of room on their drive. Geoff that doesn't mean there will be room for a camper van. (She don't like it). Mick said he'd pick it up today. So he picked it up this morning.

Went to Harry's school open evening last night and his teacher is really pleased with his progress, he had a really good report and is well above average in most of his subjects. Well done Harry we are very proud of you. Also got Ben's report this week and he did extremely well in his mocks and achieved very high marks, keep up the good work Ben we are very proud of you too.

Been looking at the Many Tears website this morning ,(I'm now a home vetter for this rescue). Sylvia & Bill do an amazing job but always need donations to keep the rescue going. I used to home vet for another rescue in Edenbridge called Last Chance this rescue was also set up by Sylvia. If you get five minutes visit their site and read some of the stories, its heart breaking what man can do to defenceless animals.

Talking of animals I took some pictures of our Miniature Shetlands a couple of days ago, while the rain held off, so will try and add them to this posting! The bottom picture is of Chi-Chi still with half her winter coat, next one is of Cameo, then Muffy (who lost her foal) and last one is Warrior.

1 comment:

  1. Terrible the weather in Wales. Annette Strauch
