Saturday 27 September 2014

Miniature Japanese Acer

Meant to show this some time ago. Can you remember back, when I was making all the Miniature Plants, for Desdemona's Garden?. Well I was playing around with some spare wires and thought I'd have a go at making a Miniature Japanese Acer. I have no luck with growing the real thing, as where we live, it gets to Wet and Windy in the Winter and scorching Hot in the Summer.
I followed no plan, but just twisted the wires until they looked a natural shape, wrapped them with Florist tape and painted them. I then painstakingly, punched, shaped, veined and glued on the leaves. It took hours, but I have to say I am really pleased with the end result. Just need to add some soil, to the pot and it will be finished..


  1. It looks beautiful Deb, so realistic. I admire your patience, the results were worth the effort.

  2. It looks fantastic. I can imagine how much work it has been too.

    I have one of these trees growing in my garden. They are beautiful trees.

  3. Beautiful! I have just like it in my front lawn!

  4. Wow! I love your beautiful maple! You've achieved such a natural look, very talented.
