Saturday 27 September 2014

Eeylops Owl Emporium ~ Diagon Alley

 After visiting the Harry Potter Studio Tour back in May, I came home and had a really good look at my own Miniature Diagon Alley. I think I've got the atmosphere just about right.
I really need to work on Eeylops, I know exactly how I want it to look inside and now having seen the real Eeylops, I'd like to try and replicate how they had the hanging cages and birds outside.
I took these pictures a couple of months ago, whilst playing around with my new Camera, but forgot to share. I also need lots more Owls...


  1. It is a great street Debbie! Hope to see more of it soon! :)

  2. Oh my gosh I LOVE this project. The owls and the whole street is just awesome!

  3. I love your Diagon Alley as much as the one of the Studio Tour.

  4. Quite Marvelous, Debbie! I love the Diagon Alley street scene and boy, does it ever look eerie with the streets suddenly deserted at night.
    There is so much history, character and atmosphere that you have liberally infused into this project.
    I love the details, the aging, the roof-lines, the spider webs..... Truly Brilliant work, Beautifully Executed! :D
