So much so, that when we moved here, he asked me to paint a Dragon on his bedroom wall. I agreed on the understanding that it was subtle. Well Ben looked through loads of Dragon pictures, and came up with a design for Chinese Dragon, that was originally a design for a Tattoo. I then drew it on his wall and painted it in, free hand.
We happened to be looking at some Dragon pictures on the Internet, a few weeks ago and I found a drawing of a Dragon's Eye, which Ben really liked.
Now Ben is going off to University, in September and I wanted to make something, that he could take with him.
Now my hands are quite swollen at the moment, so its nigh on impossible, for me to make any miniatures. But I thought I'd have a go at making a plaque, to go on the front of a journal, so that Ben can take it with him. So
I rolled out a sheet of clay by hand and then pulled it out of shape, as I didn't want sharp corners. I then embossed the Clay to give it a Dragon Like skin. Then I made the eye, popped it in the Oven and Hey Presto, my interpretation of the Dragon Picture. As I had some left over clay I started playing about with it last night, while I was watching the TV and ended up making a little Eye as well. I've used the Fimo Powders on this to give it a shimmer, on the larger piece I used an arcrylic antiquing medium.
For the first time doing anything along these lines, I'm really pleased with the results. I just need to find a really strong Glue to affix to the journal with now. Any ideas?
Debs this is brilliant!!!! I love what you have done. As for glue I use E6000 or super glue.
Lorra Luffies
Debie xxxx
Wow, you are such a great artist!
I realy like the style of the bedroom and the wall painting...the collors are matching perfect! The dragon eyes are also very beautiful...I showed it to my son (he is also crazy about dragons) and he thought it was brilliant!
I also love the tea cozy Rosanna made you, and I will try to make the pudding bread one day!
This is so cool! Love the dragon you painted on the wall too!
Oh Debbie, the dragon eyes are fantastic!!!! I love the dragon you painted at the wall too!!!!
Great work!
Glad to see you working again, Debie. Great looking piece. I agree with Debiekins about the glue. I usually always use E6000 for something like this...especially if one of the surfaces is porous. I have recently read, however, that the Sculpy Studio Bake and Bond will permanently (more or less) adhere clay to a porous substrate. Of course, you have to be able to bake the enite piece to achieve the adhesion so it obviously won't work on everything.
Its great that you can have a little play, I hope the swelling in your hands ease soon. Your dragons are fantastic, I'm not going to show Dean the bedroom pic, cos his room is the exact same colours and he will want one too!! I'll be nagging you to come over lol Your idea for a dragons eye journal is great, I love how you done it. I use good old fashioned super glue too.
Julia xxx
I am an E-6000 glue girl too, Debbie. It is my weapon of choice when the two substances to be glued together are different. Love all of the dragons. You did a wonderful job. Ben is lucky to have you! Sorry that your fingers are still giving you a fit. Get better soon!
Oh Wow Debbie. Absolutely brilliant and love it!!! I bet you're well pleased with it... i would be.
I agree on the glue although you could always use wood glue if thats all you have. Score the surface of the folder or journal you are applying it to to give it more grip.
Will be lovely.
Have you found a journal yet to apply it to? If not there are some nice inexpensive ones ive seen on etsy and ebay.
What will you do with the little eye?
Lots of love, Nikki xxx
Hi Debbie, sorry I havent stopped in a while..always so busy all of us. The dragon on the wall, the eyes, all just fabulous! Ben will love them I'm sure.Have a great day, hope your hands are feeling better. xoxo Christel
These are fabulous!!! I agree with the E-6000. I glue things to the cover of my art journal a lot and always use this glue- I've never had anything fall off :) Lucky Ben-what a fab present :)
Fantastic dragons! What a cool mum you are! :-)
I'd also suggest E6000.
*snerk* My verification word is "sporan."
I love the dragon you painted on the wall. Your sculpt is just gorgeous! I would be very pleased with it.
I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with your hands. I hope it will be of short duration.
Oh, I love that drawing! Done by Christopher Paolini of "Eragon" fame - what a talented lad!
I love what you've made - both of the plaques. I'm on the lookout for a local supplier of Fimo, though I suspect I'll have to buy online. You've made me determined to make something soon. I do hope your poor hands improve.
Your mural is wonderful! I love the white and how it has been stylised from the usual garish colours of a Chinese dragon.
But the magic is that clay dragon you made for Ben. He should be so proud of the book he will be carrying. All dragon lovers will want one!
They are fab Debbie! I love the painting on the wall and both eyes - stunning! Love them!!!
Stunning. You are a woman of many talents!
Wow Debbie ! This is so fab, you have doen a wonderful job, anyone would think you had been making dragon eyes for years they are so perfect.
I hope the swelling goes down soon Debbie, cant even imagine the wonderful work you will do then !
julie xxx
Debbie they are both beautiful. It must have been a pleasure to get crafty again.
What a special gift to send your son off with.
No help with the glue, I never seem to choose the right sort and have the once opened never used again bottles to prove it.
How did you make the bumps on your dragon skin? Fab effect.
es algo muy interesante, me encanta el resultado es toda una genialidad
un abrazo
It is slightly very interesting, is charmed with to me the result is the whole genius
An embrace
Debbie it is beautiful! Every time I see your work I get more and more amazed. I hope your son will have a blast in college and keep that journal close to his heart!
Speaking of glue, maybe you should try E6000?
I'm sorry to hear your fingers are still swollen Debbie.
But after seeing your terrific Dragon's Eye plaque I'm thinking I might profit from whacking my fingers with the old ball peen hammer before sculpting j/k.
Seriously that is really a great piece of work! I really like how you did the eye and the shimmer effect.
I love it, Debbie! You are so talented with polymer clay! And the bedroom looks wonderful.
woww the dragon wall painting is so fantastic, you're so talented Debbie!
Hope you can find the perfect glue..i usually use glue gun or epoxy bond glue, they are very useful to me :)
The painting is fabulous! Freehand ? Wow!
Both the painting and sculpt are just amazing!! The eye is amazingly real looking too!
E6000 glue, I know artisans use and you can buy it on Ebay. I have some UK suppliers etc. if you need them.
Michelle xxx
There's a lady called Chris Kapono who not only makes lovely 'Dragon Eye' pieces but also attaches them to various items including journals! She was very kind and helpful to me when I was doing research for my degree so it might be worth contacting her via her blog <a href="http://mandarinmoonart.blogspot.com/>Mandarin Moon Art by Chris Kapono</a> and seeing what she suggests.
Your blog isnt updating on my dashboard list Debbie so only just seen this! I love the colours in the dragon, I havnt seen fimo poweders before are they shimmery, as the colouring looks really pearlescent! did you use paper eyes like Nikki did and add liquid fimo? I have a pic of a dragon book too which I wanted to make full size for my large shelf I have Nikkis full size potions on. Also I want to try the Hocus pocus book full size, will just cover an old standard hardback book for it I think so will be interested to see how the glue turns out striking the fimo onto it. Really great work!! I can see mini dragon scrolls like this, you and nikki should make some! Kate xxx
They are all so cool! Really wild! :)
I'm glad you were able to create with your swollen hands. :(
When I was in Singapore, I got my son a t-shirt with a dragon on it. The man said it was for safety. Considering my son bmx-es, I thought that was a good thing. :)
Perhaps your dragon will keep your son safe as well! :)
Tacky glue? super glue?
Debbie that mural is just awesome. Lucky Ben.
he will love the journal and what a lovely reminder of home when he is at Uni.
Good old mick helping you out :-)
Wow Debbie the dragons are all great. The colors are perfect.
Victoria :)
le regard du dragon...impressionnant!
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