Thursday 21 May 2015

Kensington Weekend 2015

Presents Wrapped & Welsh Cakes Packed
 Last Thursday, I travelled South for the Kensington Dollshouse Festival, which also coincided with my Friends 50th Birthday. I made sure that I had the presents wrapped and a copious amount of Welsh cakes for friends exhibiting at the festival and friends that I was meeting there.
On the Friday morning, I travelled into London, I was the first one of our KDF Crew to get there and ended up having a chat with Bob from Country Contrast & Paul from Country Treasures, who were outside, before I got in the queue.
The rest of the gang met me outside a little while later.We all seemed to get split up inside the venue, but all met up at 2pm outside under the tree. (Photo's to follow in another Post).
I went with a strict list this time and told myself that I wasn't going to let my heart rule my head. I wanted bits for Slug & Jiggers Apothecary and Eeylops Owl Emporium.
Petite Properties ~ Bea Broadwood
Petite Properties ~ Bea Broadwood
Petite Properties ~ Bea Broadwood
 Bea Broadwoods, Petite Properties stall that was jam packed, lots and lots of new kits and some that were retiring at the show. Managed a quick catch up with Bea and Mr Bea.
Carol & Tomas Kubrican ~ True2Scale Miniatures
Carol & Tomas Kubrican, from True 2 Scale were over from the United States exhibiting and it was lovely to finally meet them in person after following Carols Blog for years. Such a lovely couple. They had some fabulous Kits. One that really caught my eye was the Red Stove, inside the Oven was a miniature version again of the stove and the other was the Creep Coffin Kit. Brilliant.
Lidi Stroud ~ Basketcase Miniatures
The lovely Lidi Stroud, of Basketcase Miniatures, was also exhibiting all the way from Australia. Her Baskets are beautiful.
Bob's, Country Treasures stall was overflowing with yummy food's, enamel ware and some lovely wooden tables and dressers and as always the lovely Doreen was behind the stall. Managed to have a good chat with them near the end of the day.
Bob & Doreen ~ Country Contrast
Country Contrast
 I have to say, there were some absolutely fabulous stands with exquisite miniatures on Display. One of my favourites was Janny Warnaar's, Art Of Mini. Janny was really busy when I got there, but I did manage to say Hello to her lovely Hubby. Their stall was absolutely jam crammed with miniatures and the most fabulous Room Boxes filled with so much detail, they were absolutely beautiful. I have no idea how they had managed to transport it all over and keep everything looking immaculate.
Art Of Mini
Art Of Mini
Art Of Mini
Art Of Mini
Art Of Mini
I also had a lovely chat with Jenny Kelm of Kastlekelm Miniatures, who had some really unusual bits and pieces on her stall, but unfortunately I didn't get a picture.
Also caught up with Jane from Thimbleminis, who makes the most beautiful Prams, Pushchairs and other Baby equipment. Her modern Prams are fabulous. 
Jane Timms ~ Thimblemins
Crumpled & Rumpled ~ Judith Laird
The Little Hatter ~ Annette Shaw
I also managed to catch up with Judith from Crumpled and Rumpled and her friend Annette from The Little Hatter. Think they were glad of the Welsh Cakes to get them through the day.
I did manage to buy a beautiful Owl from Aidan Campbell for Eeylops.
Aidan Campbell Miniatures
The Giddy Kipper
By the time I got to Julie Campbell and Jain Squires, both their respective stands were looking very empty. But we did manage a quick chat and a catch up.
I have to say I had a lovely day, all be it a long one and it was lovely to catch up with Friends old and new. But I know I missed a few on my travels around the show.
The lovely Jain Squires & Julie Campbell
Julie Campbell Doll Artist
Julie Campbell Doll Artist
Julie Campbell Doll Artist


  1. Una feria estupenda, gracias por compartir.
    Un abrazo

  2. Hi Debbie! It looks as though you have had a MARVELOUS time at the KDF !!! The vendors are all so varied and English/European style minis have a different and distinct flavor than those found here in North America. It is quite wonderful to see all of your photos. Thank you for sharing them :D

  3. Thanks for the virtual tour Debbie. So many beautiful displays and minis.

  4. It would be amazing to see the works of all those wonderful artists. Thanks for sharing your photos with us.

  5. It was lovely seeing you, loved reading this posting. Thank you for my wonderful present xxx
