Tuesday 26 May 2015

House Elf Heads & Cages

 Over the Weekend, I spent some time in the Cabin making a few little bits.
I tried my hand at making a Cage for Eeylops, from the Laser cut wood I brought at KDF, from Templewood Miniatures, some stiff wire already in my stash, two Black Glass headed Pins and a small piece of Leather. 
Firstly, I gave the Wood a wash of Acrylic Paint. I then measured out where the wire was going to go and marked the wood. I then used a needle pointed tool to make holes into the wood, on both the top and bottom of the cage pieces, but made sure the needle didn't go all the way through. I then cut all the wires to the same length and glued them into the bottom piece. While I was waiting for the glue to dry. I cut a small piece of leather to make the handle and folded that and glued. I then cut the tops off two very small Glass headed pins, leaving a short piece of the pin to knock into the wood. These I used to attach the handle to the wood. Once everything was dry, I put the top of the cage onto the wire. It was a nightmare getting the wires to stay in place, but eventually after a lot of swearing, they all fitted in. I finished around the bottom and top edges with very thin cut veneer and touched it up with paint. All in all not bad for a first attempt, though next time, I'm going to hunt out my Dremel and drill the holes.
I've also made some more House Elf Heads to put in Frames. They are all made with Super Sculpey. I brought the Frames from The Works, they are bare wood, so can be stained or painted in any colour you wish. I originally brought them for my Scrapbooks, but they are the perfect size for 1:12th Scale. There are ten in a pack, 2 of each design for £1.00.
Please excuse the pictures as they were taken on my phone and it was dark outside the Cabin.


  1. Muy rústica y bonita.
    esos marcos con caras, son muy originales.
    Un abrazo

  2. this is very good and I love the heads

  3. I Love the little cage!
    The house elf heads are definitely spooky...!
    Are you putting them in one of your Houses? It would be wonderful to see more of your fantastic buildings!

  4. Hi.
    It will be interesting to see how your cage will turn out with those elf heads....
    Grrrr spooky ....
    I love your creations.

  5. Wonderful fantantasy creations! The cage tured out great I await to see the creatures about!

  6. me gusta la jaula y usted hace que parezca sencilla de construir, las caras son adorables
    un abrazo

  7. Nice combo of cute and creepy. Harry Potter is just great. <3

  8. I adore the cage and the house elf's are scary and cute at the same time :)
    You're tiny treasures are amazing!
    I just started googling HP miniatures last night and now I can't wait to get started. If at first I don't succeed ... well, then my house elf's will be extra spooky lol

  9. Love this Deb. Going to have to try and follow your instructions and see if I can make something similar! Sue x
