Wednesday 7 January 2015

Elves & Mice...

 I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2015.
Back in November of last year, I showed some little Bugs and Bees that I had been making. Well when I finished those, I thought I'd have a go at sculpting some Elf faces. As you all know I took hundreds of photographs, when I went on the Harry Potter Tour, so had lots of pictures for reference.
I haven't been able to sculpt for ages, due to the swelling in my hands, but now they have changed my medication, the swelling seems to have subsided in my hands, although my legs are another matter.
I started off with a little head, that had quite Elfin looking features, just so I could see if I had the proportions right. That head is in the top picture and is currently sitting in the Cabin waiting to be cooked.
The next head that appeared in the Clay was a sleeping Elf. He actually surprised me, when he appeared. I then went on to make a another Elf and a little Mouse. Most of which have now got bodies and have been baked. But I have absolutely no idea, how I am going to dress them or how, so will probably be doing loads of research on Pinterest. 
When I showed these on my Facebook one of my Friends, asked me to see if I could make my favourite Elf Dobby. Well I had a go and I'll show you the results in another post..


  1. Great sculpts Debbie.... and the best excuse I've ever heard for spending hours on Pinterest! ;) Sx

  2. Love love LOVE them! Particularly the little mouse!

  3. Unbelieveable...these are little marvels. I just love them. I am always amazed by someone who can sculpt faces, and give them little characters all of their own. Brilliant work Debbie.
    All the best

  4. Thank you all for your lovely comments..

  5. It's great to see you sculpting again! They look Fantastic! I sure hope you keep going! They have such great expressions!

  6. Hi Debbie! Your elfin characters are so much Fun! I know how it is when you begin sculpting and out comes a face that you had no idea was there. The sleeping guy has a great profile and the expressions of each one of these dolls are quite Special. I am very happy to learn that you are able to sculpt again, and I would imagine that your little elves are too! :D


  7. I am glad your swelling went down!These characters were itching to be made! I love the all!

  8. Wow amazing skills on these sculpts i do love whimsy and the long pointy nose is just fantastic!

  9. Wow ...........
    our little faces are full of character.
    Amazing work !!!!
    Here are mine .
    Best Regards Timea

  10. They are really really great! Look alive already. Pam in Norway
