Sunday 21 December 2014

A.I.M Advent Calender

The A.I.M Advent Calender is now on its 21st Door. Don't forget to pop over to the A.I.M website and see what's behind each of the other doors. There are some great tutorials.

Saturday 6 December 2014

A.I.M Advent Calender

Don't forget to pop over to the Artisans In Miniature's Web site for the Advent Calender. Wonder what's behind today's door.
This was yesterday's mini tutorial.

Gwili Pottery ~ Out Of The Kiln

 Went to the Gwili Pottery again the other day, to see my friend Chris, who had invited me to play with the Clay. See my previous post here
The Christmas Tree was up and the Decorations that Chris & Sarah are making, were hanging on the tree. These can be personalised before they go in the kiln. Chris showed me some that were ready for collection, with names on them for human family members and their Pets. You can see them on their facebook page.
Chris has also been showing me, how they paint the various patterns on the Pottery and the tools they use to achieve them. Its fascinating how the different colour slips, make other colours once they are fired in the Kiln. To watch Chris paint freehand on the Pottery is amazing. She has just been working on a new design, called Midnight Iris.
Chris had given me two bowls to paint and when I popped over, they were out of the kiln. I must say I was totally shocked and surprised at the abstract one, as it looked a complete mess to me, before it was fired. I actually said to Chris, "I never painted that". 
The last too pictures are of the Bowls that I painted, after they had been fired and glazed.
Its great having Artist friends, who share their talents with others.  Chris is coming over to mine for a Scrapbook session and have a play with some Polymer Clay and I'm sure her hubby will be saying the same as mine "Oh no not another Hobby"....

Tuesday 2 December 2014

A.I.M Advent Calender

Artisans In Miniature, (A.I.M) Advent Calender is Back.
Pop over to the A.I.M page to access the Advent Calender.
Meant to share this yesterday, don't forget to pop back every day, to open a new door.
Here was yesterday's offering..

Thursday 13 November 2014

Bugs & Bees...

 Some time ago, I purchased a Bumble Bee Kit from Jacky Mullen on Etsy. Well I finally got round to having a go at the kit. a couple of weeks ago. Somehow, I couldn't get the face mould to work for me so I made my own face. I was so pleased with how the little Bee turned out, that I had a go at making a Spider. They are approximately one and a half inches long. I did change the Bee slightly as I added antennae. I then thought I'd have a go at making a Dragonfly. I was so pleased with the Blue prototype one, that I made another with a curved tail in Purple, which you can see in the last picture. I've already shared these pictures with Jacky on her Facebook page. If you click on the pictures, they will come up bigger.
Jacky makes some wonderful little Creatures and she does have a Pinterest page, where you can see some more of her work. 
I really enjoyed making these and while I had the clay out, I had a go at sculpting some little Elf/Goblin faces, but that's another story which I'll show you all later.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Gwili Pottery ~ From Goats To Painting Pots

 How do you go from talking about Goats to Painting Pots?..
Well it all came about that Chris, a lady I know from the Horsey world, was talking on Facebook, saying that she would really like a couple of Pygmy Goats for her special Birthday that was coming up and did any of her friends have any.
I messaged Chris and said yes I had a couple and would she like to come and meet them. We duly arranged a get together. Chris & her hubby came over to meet Gizmo & Stripe. We had a great evening and we ended up chatting about my Scrapbooks, Miniatures and Dollshouse's. I gave Chris a tour of the Cabin and of Diagon Alley and she kindly invited me to the Pottery to play with the clay.
Now having lived in Wales for nearly 10 years, I had never been to Gwili Pottery. Well all I can say is it should be on everyone's visit list. The Pottery Building itself, is lovely and the finished Pottery is beautifully displayed inside on lots of old dressers and tables. There are also goods made from Slate and some lovely little Heart shaped cabinets, which are all made by Family members. They also stock Art work by other local artisans.
Chris, gave me some ready made objects and just let me get on with decorating them, how I wanted.
I had an absolutely fabulous time, haven't played with this sort of Clay since I was at Secondary School. I went back a couple of weeks later to pick up my Pots and was really pleased with the results, considering that I'd never done anything quite like it before. I was especially pleased with the bowl I decorated for Christmas. Love how the Reindeer's nose turned out. The Daffodil Bowl was a painted by Chris and the Piggy Bank decorated with Dogs, was painted by Sarah.
 Chris has invited me to pop in when I want. I Bet my Hubby is thinking "Oh No not another Hobby"..
Chris and her Daughter Sarah, also make different collectible Christmas Tree ornaments, that can be personalised. I have to say, they are really lovely and I especially like the little Penguin. But they do sell out pretty fast.
The Gwili Pottery, does have a website, where you can purchase the Pottery on line and also a Facebook Page. But if you are in the area, pop in, as there is so much to see, your be sure of a very warm welcome.