Thursday 13 November 2014

Bugs & Bees...

 Some time ago, I purchased a Bumble Bee Kit from Jacky Mullen on Etsy. Well I finally got round to having a go at the kit. a couple of weeks ago. Somehow, I couldn't get the face mould to work for me so I made my own face. I was so pleased with how the little Bee turned out, that I had a go at making a Spider. They are approximately one and a half inches long. I did change the Bee slightly as I added antennae. I then thought I'd have a go at making a Dragonfly. I was so pleased with the Blue prototype one, that I made another with a curved tail in Purple, which you can see in the last picture. I've already shared these pictures with Jacky on her Facebook page. If you click on the pictures, they will come up bigger.
Jacky makes some wonderful little Creatures and she does have a Pinterest page, where you can see some more of her work. 
I really enjoyed making these and while I had the clay out, I had a go at sculpting some little Elf/Goblin faces, but that's another story which I'll show you all later.

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