Saturday 12 July 2014

Harry Potter Studio Tour ~ Hogwarts Bridge The Back Lot

 The Back Lot, contained all the Big Props used in the Film. The Bridge From Hogwarts, the Knight Bus, 4 Privet Drive, the Tombstone of the Riddle Family, the Potter House, the Giant Chess Pieces and the Ford Anglia. 
These are the pictures of Hogwarts Bridge, it was beautifully constructed and you are allowed to walk on it.
It was also the place where you could buy a Butter Beer, which of course we had to try. It 
tasted a bit like Cream Soda, but with a Butterscotch taste and a very frothy top. It was lovely.
Me On The Bridge

Green Man Carving

Roof Construction

Mick enjoying a Cold Butter Beer.

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