Sunday 20 July 2014

Congratulations On Your Graduation Ben.

On Thursday the 17th July 2014. we travelled up the coast to Aberystwyth University, to see Ben graduate and receive his Degree.
It was a lovely afternoon and a very memorable occasion, for our family. Unfortunately, Harry couldn't be with us as he was working. Aberystwyth live streamed the ceremony, so that Family members could watch as it happened and its also available to watch & download here now, if any of our friends or family want to watch it.
Congratulations Ben, on obtaining your Degree, BScEcon (Bachelor of Science/Economics) Psychology/Criminology.
We are all very Proud of you, now the next chapter begins...


  1. Congratulations Ben and Mum and Dad.
    This is an achievement that all family shares.
    Best wishes for your next future, Rosanna

  2. Cheers! Here is to Ben's bright future!

  3. Congrats to Ben!!

    All :)

  4. It seems like no time at all since he went off to uni to start his degree, congratulations to Ben on a job well done!
