Friday 24 January 2014

A Milestone Month...

 Been a Milestone month for me, I reached half a Century, still can't quite believe I'm the big Five O.
I had a wonderful day with Friends and Family and was thoroughly spoilt. I had some wonderful gifts, that included lots of fabulous miniatures and a very beautiful, very special Dolls house. I'll show all of the miniatures & house in later post.
Unfortunately, Harry couldn't be with me on the day, as he was finishing his last week of Phase 2 training, but did ring me twice that day. He has now passed out, from his Phase 2 training and is a off to join his Regiment The Lifeguards ~ Household Cavalry, very shortly.


  1. Woohoo! Congrats on reaching the big one!! As my brother told me...It's all down hill from here ;). Nah, life just gets better with maturity, like good wine. By the way, I love that mug with the adorable little Wawa on it :))

  2. Happy Birthday Debbie! Your just a baby still. Didn't you hear that 50 is the new 30? Yep, that's a fact.
    ( feel free to quote me) All the best ! :D


  3. Happy birthday Debbie! Congratulation in reaching a big one and looking great! What a yummy cake you had there! :) Happy birthday again!
