Tuesday 19 June 2012

Garden Project Part 2

Well its been nearly a month since I last blogged. Time seems to be flying by this year.
Ben's home from University, for the Summer. Harry finishes his last lot of exams next week, then no more School, he's off to College in September.

Hardy Poppy ~ Garden Gnome

Hardy Poppy ~ Garden Gnome

Garden After The Rain
French Lavender

White Astilbe
Plants Filling Out
The little Garden down the side of the Cabin, has settled down beautifully and the plants are filling out nicely. Probably due to all the rain we've had.
First Bloom On The Hardy Poppy ~ Garden Gnome
New Blooms On The Lupin ~ Manhattan Lights
I'm really pleased with some hardy Poppy Plants, called Garden Gnome, that I brought from the casualty bay, at a local DIY store. I think they cost about 50p. They looked very forlorn, but since having some TLC, they've bulked up, have lots of buds on them and I've even had the first flower open.
Gate Fitted
The Gate has also been made and hung, which is brilliant as it keeps the Dogs out, but I wish, it had the same effect with the cats!.
The Cabin with View Behind
Its been quite a busy few weeks here. My oldest friend and Ben's Godmother, came to stay for a few days, which was lovely. We've been best friends, since we were three years old. We had a good old reminisce, looking at old photographs and laughed so much my sides hurt.
But I've still not managed to get the rest of the bits and pieces sorted in the Cabin.
We've had so much rain, that there was flash flooding in Wales and some of the Villages and Aberystwyth, were hit hard. To be honest, I really didn't want to be taking stuff out to the Cabin and it and I, getting soaked, before I got it in the dry. Hopefully, we've got a break in the weather, for a couple of days and I'll be able to move some more bits and pieces.


  1. Debbie, your garden is so beautiful! I've never seen a lupin like that, nor have I ever heard of a garden gnome poppy. Those are so wonderful! Thank you for sharing your garden~ it's gorgeous! (And now I'm going to be searching high and low for a garden gnome poppy!)

  2. Your garden is beautiful. It has come along further than mine and we both planted at the same time. I also had the cat problem and I had to put chicken wire all around my garden but a friend gave me this recipe and I have not tried it yet. It might work if you want to try it.
    Recipe for Repelling Cats from Garden

    1 Qt Water (in blender)
    1 Onion
    1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder or 1 Clove
    1 Tsp Tabasco

    Blend then pour in dishes and place strategically around the garden

  3. As Jill said, I'll be searching out these poppies too! Your garden is looking good now and will look even better once it's all filled out. Thanks!

  4. The garden is coming along nicely! I dearly miss playing in my garden... but maybe one day I can get anotehr one. The French Lavender leaves look a litte like the rosemary plants.

  5. It looks like your garden is coming along nicely! I'm sure once you get all of your mini items moved in & settled, the garden will be even better!

  6. You've been working hard Debbie! The garden looks great:)

    ...I miss the rainy days of Wales:) lol...then again, I think I just miss Wales!!!

