Friday 13 April 2012

Paint, Paint Everywhere

It eventually warmed up enough for the roof felt to go on. A big Thank you to my Neighbour, who came up and did it for me. I also managed to get the rest of the Stain on the outside. I used Cuprinol Shades for the exterior. I'm really pleased with the colour's, it blends in really well with the surroundings. Although everything else around it, could do with a new coat of paint now.
I then started putting an undercoat on the inside. I had some help with that from Harry and Courtney, it seemed that it went on forever.
We also added extra battens to the Windows, to stop any rattle. I can't tell you how relieved I was, to see that final coat of paint, go on the inside walls on the 24th February.

The Outside Painted
Courtney & Shadow

Harry Painting The Ceiling Without Having To Use The Ladder

Windows Reinforced With Extra Battens

Ben Popping by to see how I was getting on

Finally The Painting is Finished.

I had my operation yesterday and am now back home, a bit battered and bruised, and sporting a new battle scar. But feeling much more comfortable. Just got to wait for the results from Histology now.


  1. Glad to hear the operation went well and that you are home now, Debs!

    And it is exciting to follow the progress of your workshop.

  2. Welcome home :) Your shop is looking awesome!

  3. I hope you will recover quickly Debby so you can play in your lovely new workshop! I really like the colour you have used!

  4. Debbie, I am shamefully late , I didn't write/comment and I shall not excuse, it's been bad of me but not for uncarefullness.
    I am glad that you are at home, bruised and everything but in just a short time. I am overjoyed seeing your workroom which is gorgeous although it costed so much effort to you. A hug to you and greetings to you family , Rosanna

  5. It looks so nice. I love the color you painted the outside.
    I am happy to hear all went well and hope you recover very soon. XXX

  6. Debbie, What a perfect space for you! I love how you have painted it. There seems to be alot of light that will come in through all of the windows!
    Hope you are feeling well soon!

  7. the workshop looks great, and I'm pleased your operation went well - take it easy

  8. The bruises will fade, the stitches will come out and you will enjoy a fantastic summer in your new workshop.

    Wish I could drop in to visit you there! I have a friend nearby you in Wales I would like to visit someday as well.

  9. Well wishes coming your way! Your little cottage/workroom looks great! Love the exterior colors!
    Hope you are able to get back to work in there soon!
