Saturday 14 April 2012

Broken Flaps....

I popped into our local charity shop a few weeks ago and while I was there I spied a small table, but didn't take much notice of it. As it was standing outside the shop, with a load of other stuff all around it. I could see that it was a small size with two drop leafs.
The following day, I was talking to my mate Tash, (otherwise known as the Boot Sale Queen) on the phone, and was telling her that there was a load of new stuff, in this Charity Shop. She loves a bargain. Tash said she was going to call in there, when she picked the kids up from School. I decided that I'd go back down as well and have a good look at this table. As I'd been thinking that, it would make a great addition to my craft space. I think its a 1950 Utility table. But has a Formica top, so easy to wipe down.
By the time I got there, Tash was already in the shop, and I could see her through the window. She was mouthing to me "Broken Flaps" and smiling. I looked at the table, and saw the sticker on the table saying "Broken Flaps". I look back at Tash through the window, and she again mouths broken flaps.
Well me being me, I saw the funny side, by the time I walked into the shop so had Tash, and we just looked at each other and burst into Hysterical Laughter. We did get some odd looks.

Needless, to say, I still brought the table and I've fixed my broken flaps. I just took a hammer to the wood underneath...


  1. hahahahaha @ the flaps what a hoot...great bargain and loving the studio!!! *jealous!!! :D Linda xxxx

  2. Brilliant bargain Debbie!

    I want one!!!


  3. Brilliant bargain Debbie...

    I want one!!!


  4. Perfect! What a great find!

  5. Just reading through this made me laugh all over again. Thinking of you outside the shop examining your dodgy flaps!! hahaha. Im glad you got them sorted in the end.x
