Friday 23 March 2012

Its Been A While...

Like everyone else, I think real life caught up with me last year, and I have been a very bad blogger, you know what's it like, time catches up with you. There have been Birthday's, Christmas and now Spring has sprung. We have one Foal due this year, which is due in April.
I took these photographs today of the Bulbs that are currently blooming their hearts out.
Lots of things have been going on with me health Wise. I think I've had every test and scan known to Man in the past few months. I am going into Hospital again, for quite a major operation in April. But hopefully after that I'll finally be on the road to recovery. Well I'm keeping everything crossed.
Although I've been quiet, on the blogging front, I do keep up with lots of my Mini Friends on Facebook and I have been trying to read as many of your blogs as I can, even though I don't always leave a comment.
I've also been collecting Miniatures, for a project that I hope to start later on this year and I got some wonderful Miniatures for Christmas and my Birthday. So will have lots of pictures and links to share with you all. I am having a few problems adding links to my Mini Links page for the blogs, think I may have reached my limit within that gadget. That's another thing that needs sorting. As I've found some fabulous new blogs, but just can't add the links.
However, something exciting happened here at the end of December, which so nearly turned into a complete disaster. But is now completely back on track and I'll be ready to share with you all soon. And those of you that know, don't let on yet.


  1. Best wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Glad you are still involved with your miniatures 4 footed and otherwise.

  2. It is so good to see a post from you. I wish your news was better. I hate to hear you have been suffering with health problems. I wish you all the best with your coming surgery and I will keep you in my thoughts until you are restored to good health again.
    Catherine XXX

  3. It's so good to see you again, Debbie. I've wondered how you've been, and I'm sending positive healthy thoughts your way~

  4. Debbie, It's good to see you here posting!

    I hope everything will be ok for you!

    I miss your posts.Good luck with the surgery!!!

  5. The flowers are so very beautiful!
    Good luck with your surgery. Hope you have a quick recovery.

  6. It's been so long since I have seen your blog come up in my blog roll, but, I as you have been busy with real life things for the most part as well.

    I hope things with your health will even out very soon for you!

    It's been a long journey for you, I am so sure, since I first found your blog.

    I am beginning to think blogging for most has a time span, seems most of the blogs I initially loved are not as active as they used to be.

    Life is always getting in the way of play time. ;)

    Always wishing the best for you. :)

  7. Debbie, it's so good to hear from you! I hope your surgery is successful and that you're soon recovering! Sending good thoughts from Canada ... Nina

  8. Wonderful to see you back. Sorry to hear that you have not been well. Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.
    Hugs Maria

  9. Best of luck with your surgery Debbie. I wish you a speedy recovery! :)

  10. It's good to read a post from you again... I was already worried about you, but I've seen some comments from you recently so I finally knew you were back... Sorry to hear about health, best wishes to you. And I'm curious for everything that's about to come!


  11. Hope everything goes okay with the surgery as I'm sure it will,best wishes and (((hugs)))xxx (glad you are still stalking ,sorry,following our blogs to see what we are all up to!) :) xxxJ

  12. Good to see you check in. :) Best wishes for your surgery. I hope your recovery goes well and you're back to posting more about your minis soon.


  13. Hi Debbie,
    Best wishes for your surgery and a speedy recovery...Don't feel bad...I think life makes it hard to follow blogs the way we want to for everyone.
    All the best,
