Wednesday 1 June 2011

If You Want To Get Ahead Get A Hat...

Some more Miniatures I haven't showed you.
These Beautiful Miniature Hats were made by my friend Kat. Everyone that knows me, knows that I have a terrible addiction for Kat's Hat's. I've given up counting how many I have now..

When Kat first showed this Leather Top Hat, I fell in Love with it. I emailed Kat, and asked very nicely if I could buy it and the rest they say is History.
Now Kat being the lovely Lady that she is, also included the little Purple Hat with the Mad Jazzy Feathers.
For those of you that may need a Miniature Hat, go and have a look at Kat's Blog page and her Etsy Shop.
Kat, does make exceeding good Hats...


  1. I only have one of Kat's hats and it is gorgeous! She custom made a red hat society hat for my grandma doll. I love love love it! :D

    Hope all is well with you and your family. How are the "babies" doing?

  2. Kathi, the babies are doing fine thank you. Lots of Pictures of them on Hericus Blog:-

  3. Wow fab hats Debbie - I am the delighted owner of one of Kat's wonderful 'sorting hats' - I can well understand your love for her wonderful work. Hope you are getting better weather than us here on Anglesey?! :) x

  4. I can see why you snapped these up Debbie , they are my kinda hats too! Kate xxx

  5. Good info! Thanks for sharing with us on your blog.
