Thursday 9 December 2010

Deck The Halls.... Part One

Well, I'm finally getting in the mood for Christmas. Over the last few days I've been decking the rooms out.
I started in the boys sitting Room, by decorating the Mantle piece and hanging their stockings, getting their Father Christmas's out and then placing my collection of Little Mice in front of the Log Burner. Some of these little Mice belonged to my Mum & Dad, so are extra special. Will be back with Photographs of the main lounge later..


  1. It's looking lovely Debbie. The mice are perfectly placed to keep warm and how nice for your boys to have them in their room as a reminder of the generations.

  2. Wow. The boys sure have BIG stockings! Are you planning to fill them?! Your room looks lovely. I need to get out my Santa collection or at least something festive here!

  3. Debbie, you have done a wonderful job ! And of course, I ove the little mice best :).

  4. Ohhh, it's starting to look a lot like Christmas . . . . love that stove, Debbie!

  5. Oh Debbie it is gorgeous. I love how the swag is so tightly packed wiht things.

    The mice are adorable...a lovely keepsake.

    I am so envious of seeing everyone's Christmas here when I don't even own a single ornament let alone a tree anymore. Next year I will be doing somehting. Christmas is miserable enough for me being so far from home as it is let alone not having any sparkle in the house.

    Bit for now I'll enjoy everyone elses offerings.

  6. Beautiful Debbie! You can come to my house next LOL. Your house looks like a show place.

    Victoria :)

  7. I love the mice !! tey are so sweet. Your house is beautiful. Hugs Rosanna

  8. Tiene usted una casa preciosa y con todos esos adornos seguro que el animo le sube, porque el espíritu navideño a llegado
    un abrazo

    You have a beautiful house and all those decorations sure the mood will go up, because the spirit of Christmas to come
    a hug
