Sunday 28 November 2010

Pastmastery's Blog Fabulous Giveaway...

Sue over at Pastmastery, is having the most fantastic give away on her blog. It is worth over £200.00.
I've been following Sue's blog from the beginning and it is full to the brim with Historic information and fabulous photographs. I for one have been fascinated with the History surrounding these Dummy Boards.
Sue, has decided that after Christmas, she is no longer going to make her exquisitely painted Dummy Boards.
Sue is the lady that painted the little Girl and Rocking Horse for Julie, for her Edwardian Toy Shop.
This is going to be every one's last chance to own one of Sue's Miniature Masterpieces.
I have entered Sue's give away, but it seems that the word hasn't got out there. It's not an easy question that Sue has posed, but the answer is there, somewhere in her blog.
So if you want a chance to win, please click on Sue's name anywhere in this post to be taken over to her blog page and the question for the give away.. Good Luck everybody....

Tuesday 23 November 2010

More Welcomes...

Some more followers have joined the throng this week. A big Welcome to you all, they are:-
Penni Frampton who's blog is called Modern Dolls House. Penni has some lovely modern minatures in her Dolls House and has just designed a beautiful bed.
Rosamargarita who's blog is called La Tapatia. Lots and Lots of miniatures on here.
Carol Ann who's blog is called Un-Wound. Carol makes reinterpreted dolls and does misc crafty things.
Carolyn who's blog is called The Patchwork Ark. Carolyn makes Miniature Artist Bears and Dolls. Last but not least is "Rainbow Rose" Connie Faulconer, who has two blogs:- Rainbow Rose Photography and Tattin"N" Craftin" RainbowRose.

As always please go over and say Hello...

Sunday 21 November 2010


I'd like to Welcome some more followers they are:-
Fuzita who's blog is called Fuzita's Blog v2.0. Some lovely miniatures on here.
Corinne, who has three blogs, her Miniature one is called Mijn Poppenhuis. She is currently working on a beautiful, little Christmas House.
Alison who's blog is called Bliss Miniatures. Alison is very new to the blogosphere, so please go over and give her a big welcome. She makes the most wonderful 1:12th scale miniature food..
Lisa, who is a dear friend but hasn't got a blog. But if anyone should have one its her. She is a very gifted lady and can turn her hand to most things from beautiful sewing to sculpting. (Did you hear that Lisa, you need to start a blog..LOL).
And last but not least is Helen. Helen is another friend who has recently started a blog called Vinweeda Magic. Another very talented lady, who a few of us are trying to persuade, to start an Etsy Shop.

As always please go over and say Hi.....

Also wated to let you all know that I've added lots more Mini Links over on the Tiny Treasures Mini Link Blog..

Friday 19 November 2010

Little Monsters..

Forgot to show you these.
As I said when Debie stayed, we played with the clay.
Debie makes the most fantastic eyes, that she uses for her sculpts. I know there are a few people, that like and use them. Personally, I think Debie should sell them.
She used a couple in these little Monster Bottles. They remind me of Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc.
I know that Debie is in the throws of making some bits and pieces to put on Etsy. I can't wait to see what she comes up with.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Leather Books

Whilst I was in Cardigan the other day, doing some Christmas Shopping. I popped into the Dolls House Shop.
I wanted some wood, for a little project I'm working on. While I was having a good look round I spied this lovely little Leather Books. I think they will look perfect in either, Flourish & Blotts or The Toll House when its completed.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

For Eeylops Owl Emporium

When Debie, went to Miniaturia this year to help out Mary. Mary's stall was right next to Lidi Stroud. (Mary I have to say that new drunken Doll you've made, reminds me of one of my friends, after she's been on the Tia Maria...Hic. I think you have a good idea whom I'm talking about..LOL).
You may know Lidi by her business name Nambuccas Little Shoppe. All three ladies Mary, Debie & Lidi are all A.I.M members.
Debie brought herself a beautiful Tribal pot, which she brought with her to show me, you can see similar one's on Lidi's web site and she brought this back for me, as an early Christmas Present. I'll leave it to Debie to show you what I brought her, for Christmas.
Isn't it fabulous?. I absolutely Love it, it has been so beautifully made. If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger.
It will be taking pride of place in Eeylops Owl Emporium.
Thank you so much Debie. xxxx

Tuesday 16 November 2010


I'd like to extend a big Welcome, to some more followers they are:-
Bridget who's blog is called Tweety Petie Products. Bridget has got a great tutorial on her blog on how to make miniature leaves from real leaves.
Titta who has three blogs:- 4 Cats, Tiny Little Life and Viherkeidas.
Cidisu, who I can't find any information for.
Kaisa Koskinen, who's blog is called Kaisankulma.
Linda again no information.
Nicole who's blog is called Blue Soup Miniatures.
Mariana Belmonte who again I can find no information on.
Foolynu2 who again I can find no information on.
Lisa who has two blogs, Family Adventures and Paper-iffic Crafts. Lisa has been making some great little Miniatures Mr & Mrs Potato Heads charms.
Bea who's blog is called Petite Properties Ltd. Bea is also the founder of Artisans In Miniature. Bea is very new to the blogosphere.
Wahld who again I can find no information on.
Susi who's blog is called Mini Eden. There's some lovely miniatures on there.
Soffy who's blog is called Le Monde De Soffy and is extremely new to the blogosphere.
Last but not least is Wendydoll who's blog is called Lark & The Rose.
If any of you I have mentioned have got a blog, if you leave a comment on this post I will add your links.
As always please go over and say Hi....

Monday 15 November 2010

Hatching Dragons..

When Debie and the girls came to stay with us, we did play with the clay.
I found a little basket that the handle had broken off and Debie made these little Hatching Dragon Eggs to go in there.

I had decided before Debie came that the Toll House, that I showed in a previous post, is going to be the home of a Witch, who's a bit singed around the edges and looks after orphaned baby Dragons.
I've been doing quite a few drawings, of how I want it to look and will share the whole making process, as I go along. Now you know why I've been buying so many Dragons from Tracie.
I'm hoping to get started on it shortly..

Sunday 14 November 2010

Poppet's New Witch...

When Debie came to stay a few weeks ago, she brought with her the Toe Collector Doll, a Pig and two Witches which she was working on.
Well today Debie, finished the Witch (Pennywort) riding the Pig. Its absolutely brilliant. The pig (Marvin), now has his reins on and the Witch is mounted on his back with her basket of Goodies.
Debie has also finished another Wickle Witch and her Pram. The little Witch reminds me of Debie's eldest Daughter Courtney, who is currently in Wales with my son Ben..
To see all the pictures and read the amusing story that goes with Debie's creations, please pop over to her blog. I think I'm right in saying that the Witch riding the Pig is For Sale...

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Miniature Dragons...

I told you all that I've become totally addicted to Tracie's little Dragons. While I was looking in her Etsy shop a couple of weeks ago, I came across these two miniature Dragons.
I showed them to Mick and asked him which one he liked the best, as I couldn't make up my mind.
He told me to get both of them, well I didn't need telling twice. If you click on the pictures, they will pop up bigger.
I've just been over to have a look in Tracie's Etsy and she has another Miniature Dragon and some more baby Dragon's over there at the moment.
I must resist.....LOL

Saturday 6 November 2010

Under The Weather....

Just to let everyone know that I'm still alive and kicking but feeling pretty miserable and under the weather at the moment.
As quite a few of you already know, after I had the Angiogram's on the 28th October, I was in quite a lot of pain in my arm and ended up being taken into Hospital on Sunday. They put me on a drip and put my arm up in the air. They thought that I'd had a bleed in the arm that had got into my muscles, causing compartment syndrome. Well what ever it is, its the Pain from Hell. I came home late on Tuesday, dosed up with Morphine and enough Painkillers to down an Elephant. It's still bad but it is easing.
Thank you to everyone that has sent Get Well Wishes, emails, cards, and telephoned. I'm finding it too painful to sit on the Computer for long, and seem to have got up this morning with a temperature, so might not be around for a few more days... Hopefully catch up with you all soon.. xxx