Thursday 29 July 2010

A Piskie Give Away...

My dear friend Debie, over on Piskies and Poppets, is having a give away on her blog to celebrate 200 Followers. So if you'd like to take part, please pop over to her blog, and leave a comment.
Yes, I know, I also promised a give away here as well. But I'm waiting for Debie, to help me sort out the prize, while her and her lovely family are staying with us next week. They should be with us, sometime on Saturday.
Mind you can you imagine two Debbie's in the same house, I'm sure its going to cause much hilarity. Just imagine us both, sitting at the table and someone saying Debbie can you pass the salt!. LOL
I was hoping that another little Poppet was going to join us, but unfortunately she can't make it.
I'm sure we will have lots of photographs to share and hopefully some mini making as well. Plus Debie has promised me a Sculpting lesson..
I'm so excited, I could crush a Grape...


  1. That is a hoot! I love it!!!

  2. Awwwww thanks Debs. We are all excited too. I am packing my sculpting tools :O)

    See you on Saturday.

    Lorra Luffies

    Debie xxxxxxxx

  3. Sounds like great fun. Enjoy your visit.


  4. Go crush a bunch of grapes! This will be fun to see!

  5. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time and there will heaps of fun and laughter in your house :0)
    Julia x

  6. You have a great time together!!!:)

  7. I hope you two have a wonderful time visiting. :)

    Sounds like it will be a lot of fun at your house, Debbie. :)

  8. 'I'm so excited, I could crush a Grape... '

    LOL I've not heard that expression for ages!

    Have fun :)

  9. Hi Debbie! Please answer to a roombox poll:
