Thursday 8 July 2010

The Frustration....

I went to the Hospital on Tuesday to see my Cardiologist.
First off, they couldn't get a Blood Pressure reading. Could get the top one, but not the bottom! Took about eight attempts and then Yeah, they finally got it. (it's all the fluid in my body causing the problem).
My Cardiologist, is totally baffled by all my water retention. She said she could understand it in my leg, where the vein had been compromised. But had no reason why its spreading all over my body! She is arranging for me to have another scan this time on my leg. She wants to rule out any clots! She's also referring me back to the Cardiothoracic Surgeon's at Morriston Hospital in Swansea, for a second opinion. To try and relieve some of the fluid, she also prescribed another water tablet, which I only take half of one, one day a week, with my other water tablets. Its really strong, so after taking it, I have to have a blood test to check my Potassium levels. Well I took it yesterday, and lets say I didn't wander very far from the Loo!. The dreaded Blood Test is tomorrow morning. I'm also going back to Physiotherapy to see if that helps at all. Then back to see her again in four months!!!!...

The frustration for me, is that my Miniature making is not happening. Its the case of the Fat Fingers. My hands are OK first thing, but as soon as I start to do anything, my hands swell and boy do they hurt.
I haven't forgotten about the "Give Away" and will be sorting something very, very shortly. Please bear with me.
The only good thing is that my notebook is over flowing with ideas, so will have plenty to do, once I'm sorted out.

Talking of Making, have you seen my friend Debie's new sculpt, over on her blog?. He is totally wonderfully Wicked.. I think Debie's work, is just getting better and better. I'm very lucky to have a few of Debie's, wonderful creations in my collection. Don't you just love his face...LOL


  1. I share your pain and frustration, Debbie! Keep us posted!

    That Humpty Dumpty has a gem of an expression!!:)

  2. Oh, Debbie, I sure hope they can figure out what's causing the water retention SOON!!!!

  3. It's frustrating just reading about it.. at least your ideas are still coming fast and furious! You'll have lot's of catching up to do when this is all taken care of.

  4. I'm still keeping you in my thoughts and heart as you and the doctors try to figure out what is going on in your body.
    Heaps of Hugs,

  5. Debbie, good luck with the doctors! I hope that they get you sorted soon! My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

  6. oh boy, get well soon, is all i can say....

    (((gentle hugs)))

  7. Ahh Debbie poor you, must be so frustrating for you. hope you can sort it so you can start creating again, you love it so much! LOVE Debies wicked looking humpty, quite spooky! Kate xx

  8. What a pain for you Debbie.....I sometimes think that our medical profession these days haven't got a clue about what they are doing....I wish they'd get it sorted for you. You asked if I'd tried dragon fruit & the answer is "yes"...but don't bother! It was furry & pretty tasteless stuff with loads of tiny black seeds that got stuck in my teeth!
    Keep smiling & everything crossed a solution is found very soon. Mini hugs,

  9. That is so scary and the not knowing the cause must be terrible. I hope you get some good news soon!

    And I do love that face, she is very talented!


  10. Dear Debbie, it's incredible they do not find out what's happening to you. I can only say that I feel frustrated for you. I wish I could help. Big hugs, Rosanna

  11. I wish you a good health and once more good health and once more good health!:)

  12. I am sorry Debbie that you are not feeling well! I hope you will recover soon!

  13. Oh Debbie I´m sorry to hear that you are crossing through so many health problems, I wish you get well soon,
    Ana Maria

  14. No wonder you feel so frustrated, heres keeping everything crossed they can sort you out soon !
    Debies Humpty is sheer brilliance !
    julie xxx

  15. Debs this is pants and I know how frustraiting it can be no being able to get creative and make things you love making. Fingers crossed it will get sorted and soon. Thank you for showing Humpty.

    Lorra Luffies

    Debie xxxxxxxx

  16. Oh Debbie, So frustrating!!! Second opinion sounds like a good idea. Hope they can get that blood tomorrow without to much hassle. Love Jain xx

  17. Debbie, I do hope the mystery will be solved - and soon!!
    I know that when I had low potassium levels when I had severe pancreatitus I craved bananas and apricots - I ate a can of apricots at a time!! I knew I was better when I didn't want them anymore.

  18. Debbie, I do hope they get this all straightened out soon enough for you dear! This has gone on long enough! :(

    Humpty's face is a riot. Love it! :)

  19. Hang in there Hun! I'll be thinking of you.... :)

  20. Oh, Debbie, I do so hope they find some cure for it...!!!!


  21. I hope you feel better soon, sounds like the new pill is getting rid of some of the water, that is good. Take care.


  22. Oh Debbie, I am very sorry about your post. So I wish you from the bottom of my heart: get well soon, very soon!

    And I hope that the doctors will find the reason for the water retention very soon.

    Hugs and greetings
    from Bavaria

  23. So sorry to hear that things aren't getting any better. Lets hope Morriston can sort all this out for you quickly.

    Humpty Dumpty is creepingly cool:0)
    Julia xxx

  24. ....gosh it's been ever so long and still no answer! How frustrating!!
    And even worse not to be creative other than in your head. At least you know there are lots of people rooting for you. We all care. Hopefully the drs. will find something & soon!
    On this side of the Atlantic, it's the squeaky wheel that gets greased. Is the UK the same in that the more you complain & demand answers, the quicker something is done?
    in any case, big big hugs & fingers crossed

  25. Debbie....

    i hope you will recover soon.... :) i will pray for you Debbie...


  26. Debbie,I totally sympathise with the fluid retention.I have been taking 2.5 of bendroflumethiazide for a few years(have history of high blood pressure in family).Mine used to be too low.Now with bad fluid retention I was prescribed 40mg of Furosemide.However,on reading the leaflet which I don't usually do-it says not to be taken by anyone allergic to sulphonomides.I have life threatening allergy to sulphonomides! Carol

  27. I hope they can sort you out quickly!
    Your gingerbread houses are perfection!
