Wednesday 12 May 2010

So Sad...

Today is a very, very sad day.
We have had to have the Vet out to put Muffy, one of our Ponies (Barney's Mum) to sleep.
She's been very poorly over the last few weeks and has had a very rapid weight loss. We've tried everything, to get her well and to get her interested in eating and earlier this week we really thought we had cracked it and she'd started eating a little, with the help of the Vet giving her supplements, Vitamin injections and Antibiotics, blood tests and me picking buckets of grass for her and tempting her with any feed that we could get her to eat.
Unfortunately this morning, she went down and no amount of trying could get her to stand up. I checked her mouth and her gums, which were very white, so I came indoors and rang the Vet and he came straight away, we felt it was kinder for him to put her to sleep, then her just to lay there and fade away.

Here is the link to the poem below, which I've copied and pasted over onto my blog.
Rainbow Bridge or you can read it over on Hericus Blog..

The Rainbow Bridge For Horses

Author Unknown

By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
when their time on earth is over and done.

For here, between this world and the next,
is a place where beloved creatures find rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
til The Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
for here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed.
Their bodies have healed with strength imbued.

They trot through the grass without even a care,
til one day they whinny and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes sharp and alert.
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the herd.

For just at that second, there's no room for remorse.
As they see each horse.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past
The time of their parting is over at last.

The sadness they felt while they were apart
has turned to joy once more in each heart.
They nuzzle with a love that will last forever.
And then, side-by-side, they cross over...together.


  1. Debbie, so sorry to hear about Muffy. I know that she will be missed. My thoughts are with you today.

  2. Dear Debbie,

    I know how heartbreaking this is. You love her so much and you showed your love by letting her go.

    She is now running free in Rainbow Bridge and one day you will be reunited.

    Run free, sweet Muffy. I'll say a prayer to St. Francis for you.

    I am crying with you, Debbie. It'll be a year we said goodbye to Hannah on the 22nd.


  3. Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear that your pony didn't pull through. Poor girl. My condolences for your loss.

  4. Oh Debie! I am so very sorry to hear this. I know that all your ponies are very special to you. I read that she wasn't herself but that she had perked up a bit. Did the Vet have any idea what was ailing her? Thinking of you today..


    sad...the verification word is "unlit"....sigh..

  5. I'm so sorry, dear. :(

    (((Debbie))) My thoughts are with you and your family.

  6. The'm reading these lines! is very sad, very encouraging. You did everything that was in your hand. A kiss.

  7. Oh Debbie what sad news after such good news about yourself! What a wonderful poem, Love Kate xxxx

  8. Hi Debbie, such a shame. It's horrible when such things happen. My thoughts are with you and your family.
    You made a brave decision.

  9. Oh Debbie, I am so sorry to hear your much loved pony, Muffy died. Thinking of you, Julia xxxx

  10. Oh Debbie, this is truly a sad day. I'm so very sorry! Such a sweet pony, it's so hard to see such an innocent creature suffer. But I'm sure you did the right thing, as hard as it was. My thoughts are with you as well.

  11. I'm so sorry for the loss of Muffy, my thoughts are with you.
    Hugs, Kerry .x.

  12. Sweet Muffy. May you run unbridled forever in our hearts.

  13. I'm very sade for you Debbie.It's always difficult to lose your animal wich we like .But I'm sure , it life was beautiful with you family.

  14. Oh no Debbie!! I am very sorry for your loss:(

  15. I'm so sad to hear about Muffy. I'm sure she was a very special pony.
    It's going to be very crowded on the other side of Rainbow Bridge. I have a beautiful golden retriever waiting there for me. I'm sure Sienna will show Muffy where all of the sweetest grass is!
    Love to you today,

  16. You obviously loved her very much - helping her at the end is difficult, but the very best thing to do.
    Much love
    xxx Glenda

  17. So sorry, Debbie. We know that heartbreak all too well.


  18. Poor Muffy, you sounded quite hopefull yesterday. I'm sorry for her and for you and Mick and the boys. Big hugs to you all. Rosanna

  19. This is so sad and I'm so sorry to hear the news. :o(( I'm sure you will all miss her terribly, but you did the kindest thing rather than let her suffer even more. :o(

    Michelle xxx

  20. Oh dear Debbie I am so very sorry xxxxx

  21. It's always so hard to let go, but now she's happily galloping on the care free baddocks without any pain :)

    A big hug,


  22. I'm so sorry, Debbie! Losing an animal so beautiful and noble as Muffy must be very hard, but recovery was not possible, you've done the right thing to suffer not more ... She will ensure you all across the rainbow ...
    Courage and remember with love the world ...

  23. Dear Debbie
    I am so sorry...for you and yours
    my thoughts are with you
    hugs Marja

  24. Debbie, so sorry to hear your sad news about Muffy but she will always be in your heart and memories. Thinking of you all x

  25. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Debbie. I don't even have words to express how sorry I am to hear the news. Our animals really do hold a special place in our hearts.
    Big hugs,

  26. What an awful turn of events, my thoughts are with you and your family.

  27. I'm so sorry Debbie, such very sad news! Hugs, Jean

  28. I am so sorry to hear this about Muffy. It is a hard thing :(
    Hugs to you all,

  29. Hi Debbie. Sorry to hear Muffy is no longer here. I know you love those ponies and will be so upset. Thinking of you.
    Much love to you, Nikki xxx

  30. Debbie I'm sorry to learn of the passing of Muffy. My condolences on your loss.

  31. Oh how sad to hear about your Muffy, So hard they are such an important and loving part of the family!!!
    thinking of you!!!!

  32. This is heartbraking news Debbie,so sorry for you and your family, and wish you strenght with the loss of Muffy!


  33. Debbie.... so ist das Leben. Ich weis, es tut richtig weh.... aber man behält seine Lieblinge ja im Herzen.

    Liebe Grüße PuNo/Monika

  34. Debbie, I'm really sorry about Muffy. I now how terrible it is!
    My thoughts are with you and your family!

  35. I'm so sorry, Debbie.....;-(

  36. So sorry to hear about Muffy, Debbie. What a lovely poem. hugs, ara

  37. ((HUG)) I'm so sorry. Is there any chance you will find out why she died?

  38. Debbie im so sorry to hear about Muffy, such sad news

  39. Oh Debbie, so sad news. I am so sorry that your cute pony died.
    Big hugs to you,

  40. So sorry. I am sending all my support.

  41. Debbie I am so sorry about Muffy .How brave you were to let her go.Muffy must have known that she was loved very much.The poem is beautiful and incredibly poignant.My thoughts are with you at this sad time.Carol
