Sunday 2 May 2010

As Promised Kat..

Now as you all know I have a collection of Witch Hats from the very talented Kat over at Kat The Hat Lady Witchy Blog.
Well just over a week ago Kat made some Steam Punk Hats. I absolutely Loved them, but by the time I got over to her Etsy and signed in, they had gone. I emailed Kat and she very kindly agreed to make me another one. Well Kat made a few and gave me first refusal.
Well I couldn't just pick one, I liked all of them, but eventually picked two.
I promised Kat that I would take some photographs for her as I'd done before. I've already emailed all the pictures over to Kat and I thought I'd share a few with you all. Please click on the pictures and they will pop up bigger.
Mick did make a comment about how many of Kat's Hats that I have, my reply was "A Lady can never have too many Hats". Good job he didn't see all the ones that need decorating...LOL


  1. Debbie you NEED a hat shop desperatly!! All those beautiful hats need a home! I have new hats too to show off!! Kate xx

  2. Your hat collection is stunning! Love the photographs too, Debbie.

    Haha, my word verification is "cuperate" :). Just when I thought to ask how you have been.

  3. Kate, I know I NEED a Hat Shop. LOL xx

    Sans, glad you like the collection. I'm still not right but hopefully seeing the consultant soon. xx

  4. I am glad I am not the only one Debbie. Every time I say 'no more hats' Kat brings out another great range that are too hard to resist!!

  5. I won't rat you out to Mick. A lady needs her hats! Hope you are feeling ok. You haven't said in a couple of days how things are going.

  6. Oh I forgot to ask, where did the beautiful turnings that are displayed with your hats come from?

  7. You realy have a great collecition Debbie! And it is true you just need to have the hat shop!

  8. Those hats are so detailed! My favorte is the one decorated with the dark feathers and the copper colored scissors.

  9. I am loving those hats with the feathers Debs I think they are the best ones that Kat has made so far.

    Lorra Luffies

    Debie xxxxxx

  10. what a great collection!!!!!!!!


  11. Sorry it's taken me so long to add a comment! I know I missed loads, I have been so busy and too tired. :o(

    Gosh, you have some super wonderful hats! ;o) They will look fab in your hat shop (when you you do it!). I have a few of Kat's hats, but not that many!. lol

    I too missed out on her Steampunk hats on Etsy, so Kat is making my own special one for a future project I will be creating for a very special Granny. :o)

    Michelle xxx

  12. The steampunk hats with the feathers and scissors are amazing, I can see how you couldn't choose just one! I have some of Kat's hats too, they are great and hard to resist :0)
    Julia xx

  13. Those hats are stunning! Love them!

  14. I know for a fact that you can't never have enough of hats! I think I've made about 40 myself, they'll never fit in my millinery shop...still I carry on and make more!
    Very lovely hats :)

  15. Lovely hats and fab photos Debbie.
    I like the way you have arranged them.
    I thought i was bad for collecting glass, but you have so many hats now.
    Nikki xxx

  16. All Kats hats look fabulous and the Steampunk Witch hat is really unique. I haven't seen one of those before! (and I've seen a lot of witch hats) Debbie, are all of those hats in your personal collection? I think you are single handedly keeping Kat in business!!

  17. Oooh my dear, so many fantastic hats! Your collection of hats is so big Debbie, I love them all!


  18. Debbie,I am terrible for buying hats in real life for the races.My favourites are the one with loads of feathers-so,I just have to love the black mini one with feathers and all the extras.Carol:)
