Saturday 10 April 2010

My Softie For Shelby...

I posted about this earlier today, Softies for Shelby.
Well today I've been making my Softie. I first saw this pattern over on Nikki's blog near Christmas, which was done by Elsie Marley. I really liked this little bitten Gingerbread Man, he is supposed to be a hanging decoration. However, I've blown the pattern up and the one I've made today is approximately eleven inches high.
Now I'm not the greatest needle woman, but I was really pleased with how he's turned out. I was worried about using buttons, so instead I've used soft little flowers that I've sewn on.
I hope Shelby likes him...


  1. This is just too cute. Thanks for adding the websites for the patterns. I will post them. They look very helpful. Thanks also for posting the tag.

  2. So wonderful Debbie. I'm positive Shelby will love it. Hugs~ Kim

  3. Now I know what you are talking about Debbie. Sure Shelby will love the gingerbread man. Jain xx

  4. Hes Wonderful Debbie I am sure she will .
    Debie xxxx

  5. The gesture by all of you is so heartwarming! Of course, Shelby will love it! Beautiful job, Debbie.

  6. That gingerbread man is so cute, it's just adorable. Wonderful job :)
