Friday 9 April 2010

Award & Stuff..

I was given this award by The Old Maid over on The Sunny Hours 1:12 Miniatures blog. Thank you very much.
I have to pass this on to another five blogs so here we go:-

Michelle over at Michelle's Mad World. Michelle has some fabulous miniatures and is currently working on a conservatory for Hogwarts.
Glenda over at Peppercorn Minis. Glenda has made some absolutely wonderful miniatures.
Wendie over at Wendies Mini World, who is wonderfully creative, well when she's not playing with her chooks and who makes me laugh..
Julia & Hywel over at Bearcabin Miniatures. Both make lovely Witchy inspired Miniatures.
Lize over at Lizelund, who has the most beautiful miniature blog...

In other news, I'm totally rearranging the upstairs in the Apothecary in Diagon Alley. Photographs will follow, once its sorted. I was not really happy with how it was laid out and everything seemed all over the place. I've decided that I needed another table in there as well as a shelving unit on the door wall. So that is my job over the weekend to paint and distress them.

Its also getting near to the time of the year that the Ponies, will start taking up a lot of our time, especially as the births draw near. I am so hoping that we have a better year with the foaling that we did last year. Not that I will be able to be as involved as I normally am. Showing is definitely out of the question for me this year.
This year we will be naming the Foals with the Greek God & Goddess names beginning with "C". Any ideas gratefully appreciated. I'm trying to persuade Harry that Cerberus is not really a good name for a Pony..LOL


  1. Thankyou for the award, Debbie!
    I love your Diagon Alley!!


  2. I just sent you an email full of C names for ponies. Enjoy!

  3. Thankyou Debbie for the lovely award! :o) I'm glad I have found my purpose in life now.... if it is only to make you laugh its been very worthwhile LOL I cant help it being distracted at this time of year, my chooks are so funny in spring,(I am soooo easily distracted!!) good luck with your foaling , a friend of mine hasnt slept for the last 3 weeks waiting for hers !!!
    love your cerberus pic by the way...soooo cute LOL :O)

  4. Thank you so much for my award! :o))

    I can't wait to see your rearranged Diagon Alley!

    Michelle xxx

  5. Oh how lovely,foals ! I hopeallgoeswell and you post some pics :0)
    Also looking forward to seeing more pics of Diagon Alley, I showed your blog to my hubs the other night and he was soo impressed :0) and he is not a miniature enthusiast either !
    julie xxx

  6. Thank you so much for the award Debbie. I hope the 3 headed pup grows up into something slightly more scary! At the moment it is beyond adorable!
