Friday 30 April 2010

My Cousin...

My Cousin's Mum sent me this video link today. This is my cousin Vanessa, or Nessa as she is affectionately called, in the original cast of Chicago in London's West End. Vanessa, was the original under study for Velma.
Vanessa is the one singing All That Jazz.
In the photograph she is on the left as you look at the picture on the bottom row, this is a cast photograph with Shirley Bassey.
I also found this link to her giving an interview to ITN News, when she was leaving Chicago.
She's currently on tour in Scotland.
As you can imagine all the Family is very proud of her.

Dance Coach - Vanessa Leagh-Hicks

vanessa leagh-hicks

Vanessa trained in all aspects of dance, acting and singing. She attended the Italia Conti Academy from the age of 10 to 18, qualifying as a Teacher of Dance. She is trained in Ballroom and Latin American dance and was the South East Latin American dance champion for three years.

Her West End stage credits include: La Cage Aux Folles, Crazy For You, Cats, Sweet Charity and Chicago.

Vanessa is currently West End dance captain and understudy the role of Velma Kelly in Chicago, where she has been choreographing and performing for the past seven years.

She has choreographed for Top of The Pops, CD:UK, Will Young, Dannii Minogue and Rachel Stevens at the Royal Variety Performance.

Vanessa also choreographed Emma Bunton's video Maybe, the opening of the British Style Awards, and various performances for Children in Need, working with the cast of Coronation Street for their Oliver Twist medley and the BBC newsreaders rendition of Wild Boys.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Black & Gold Collection...

As promised here's the pictures of the Black & Gold Collection. Oh and a few Green ones, thrown into the mix at the bottom, for good measure.
If you click on the pictures, they will pop up bigger.

On the home front, I had a letter from the Hospital on Saturday, requesting I ring for an appointment with the Cardiologist. They were supposed to be sending me a new appointment!
Well we rang and rang and finally got through late yesterday afternoon. The appointments desk gave us the date of 22nd June 2010. Can you believe that, well neither could Mick who was on the phone to them. Remember I'm waiting for the results of my CT Scan, and they cancelled my appointment on 16th April because my consultant was caught abroad, due to the Icelandic Volcano.
He told them that my Water Tablets had been upped from 10mg to 80mg, but I was only supposed to be staying on them until the appointment on 16.4.10. My own Doctor had agreed to carry them on until I see the Consultant. But it means regular Blood tests as they can affect your Kidneys and to be honest they are not working very well as my legs are very swollen, especially the last few days. So the appointments desk put him through to my Consultants Secretary, where he went through the full sorry saga again, only to be told that she will speak to the consultant and get back to us. So now the wait begins. To say I'm a tad p****d off, is an understatement.

Monday 26 April 2010

Ben's Bottles...

These are Ben's bottles that he's been making. We spent some time yesterday afternoon, making some more.
I really like his Bat bottle, he wanted it to look like the books where the face comes out. It looks so much better in the flesh.
The crystal ball stand hasn't been baked yet. I think he's still working on it.
We also made a collection of Black & Gold bottles. I'll post the pictures later.

Welcome ....

A big welcome to some more followers, they are:-
Soyoko who's blog is called Rustic Dollhouse. Some beautiful miniatures on there.
Anubis who's blog is called Anubis Miniworld, another blog filled with miniatures.
Lynn who's blog is called Desert Rubble. Lynn works with Polymer Clay, go and have a look at her paperweight and jewellery.
Fabiola who's blog is called Con Tus Manos. Fabi is another Polymer Clay artist, who has made some amazing things with the clay.
Jody who I can't find a blog for, but is following quite a few mini blogs. Jody if you have blog can you let me know the link so I can share it.
And last but not least is Maria who's blog is called ArtiMaria. Maria makes the most beautiful jewellery, but also show cases other peoples work on her blog, which includes Miniatures.
As always please go over and say Hi..

Also Nikki has started another blog called Miniature Question and Answer. The write up for the new blog says:-
A mini place to ask and hopefully be answered. I will be doing one post a week and will cover a different topic each time. Suggestions for topics are welcome - please leave them in the most current post comments. Hope this is a good idea and we can all advise and help each other when stuck. This weeks topic is Polymer Clay, so if there are any questions you want answered or if you can answer any of the questions posed, please go over and leave a comment.

Thursday 22 April 2010

More Bottles...

I've got a bit carried away with these Bottles, but you can never have enough for an Apothecary. Even Ben made some last night when he got in from School. There's still some sitting on the tile, waiting for decoration.
It was also the Boys idea to turn the Sheep's Skull into a Cyclops Sheep Skull. I wouldn't want to find one of them in my fields. LOL....
I had another go at making another Bat Bottle and I've elongated the ears. I think it makes it look more Batty.
They were all nearly splattered with Black Acrylic Paint this morning. I was shaking the Bottle and the top is faulty, it stayed on, but the paint came out from the screw on bit, well the paint went everywhere, all over me, the Kitchen table, chairs and floor. Good job I only had my PJ's on.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

"The Burrow"....

Rik's New Harry PotterOn Monday Tracy Topps, from over at Custom Styled Dollhouse Kits, posted some fabulous photographs on her Facebook Page. She had taken them at the Miniature Show in Chicago at the weekend. While I was looking at Tracy's photographs I came across these.
Rik Pierce has built "The Burrow".
Tracy took a four day class with Rik at the show and she has posted pictures over on her blog.
I emailed Tracy and asked her if I could share her photographs with you all, as I know a lot of you would love to build this in miniature. Tracy very kindly agreed. Thank you so much Tracy.
If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger.
Rik's New Harry Potter

Rik's New Harry Potter

Rik's New Harry Potter

Monday 19 April 2010

Bat Bottle...

Today, I've had a go at making some more bottles for the Apothecary, in Diagon Alley, I need a few more bottles to fill the shelves.
I wasn't feeling very well yesterday and took on the appearance of the Pillsbury Dough Man again. Although I feel much better today. We think my Consultant is still stuck abroad, so still waiting for the follow up appointment to come.
My hands are quite swollen at the moment and my fingers look like Pork Sausages. So I was really pleased with how my Bat Bottle has turned out. The Bat is made from Fimo. It needs a bit of refining, but I'm chuffed. I have been getting Mick to mix the clay for me as I haven't got the strength to do it myself yet. Ben has just come in and he really likes it. Well for a Teen to like anything it must be alright. LOL
The Teeny, Tiny Bottle right at the front is 1:24th Scale. If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger. I used to make loads of stuff in this scale, but I must make sure I put my glasses on next time..

Sunday 18 April 2010

Gifts From Glenda..

Yesterday, while I was reading Kat's blog, about her gifts from Glenda over at Peppercorn Minis. Harry went out and brought the post in for me and I also had a parcel from Glenda.
Glenda had emailed me to say that she was making me something for Diagon Alley.
How wonderful are these. The Shopping baskets are Hogwart's shopping baskets, the colours around the tops represent the Houses. If you click on the picture, it will pop up bigger.
The lovely Rush mat will be used in Eeylops and the little round Potion bottles are going in the Apothecary.
Glenda, I know that you are currently looking after your Mum, who has been ill and your Dad and you have no access to the internet. But I'm sending Get Well Wishes to your Mum, and a huge Thank you to you for these beautiful gifts. xxxx

Saturday 17 April 2010

Remember These Mary..

While I was having a sort out the other day, for some bits to send to Nikki for her Witchy Hat Table. I came across these beautiful little bottles that our friend Ed blew for me. I used to put them in the Trunks that I made. The taller ones at the back are big enough to take a small round label on the front, but the ones in front are teeny tiny and are under 1cm tall.
Mary is Ed's better half and we had a giggle the other week about me finding my Jam Jars, after I'd got Darling Ed to blow me some more, so I really had to show her these.. xxx

Mary made a comment on my facebook page about these. I've copied it and put it in my comments.

Friday 16 April 2010

Gifts From My Canadian Mini Friend..

Yesterday, I had a lovely card and letter from Doreen over at Doreen's Miniatures and Memories. I was one of Doreen's first followers on her blog. Doreen was the lovely Lady that won my Birthday Give Away. If you haven't visited Doreen's blog go over and say hello. She also has another blog called Doreen's Miniature Projects & Tuts.
Doreen had included with the card some lovely miniature books that she has made.
There were three tiny Necronomican books, these will be going into Diagon Alley.
A Christmas Cook Book which is filled with recipes and pictures. Doreen said that this was the first "readable book", that she made. If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger so you can read the print.
Also included was The Birds Of Ontario, this book means a lot to Doreen as she uses the full size version in her bird watching and it also represents her Province in Canada.
Doreen had also included some Gems and asked would they be useful to Wizards?
Doreen signed the letter Your Canadian Mini Friend.
Thank you Doreen for the wonderful gifts, I really appreciate your kindness. I think your words on the Card said it all, Friends make the World more Beautiful.xxxx

Thursday 15 April 2010


A Big Welcome to some more Followers, they are:-
Dangerous Mezzo who's blog is called The Tudor/Medieval/Jacobean/Queen Anne Dollhouse Project. This blog chronicles the adventures of a group of Canadians building a 1:12 scale medieval or Tudor dolls' house or dolls' castle. We're also working on a William and Mary era dollhouse circa 1700, featuring Jacobean, Carolean and Queen Anne furniture. Dollhouse aficionados, those who enjoy making or sharing doll house miniatures, and people who enjoy sharing crafts with children may enjoy the adventures of this group.There's also a give away on this blog at the moment for a lovely open book.
Cynthia who's blog is called Cynthia's Minilife who is building the Greenleaf Beacon Hill. It looks wonderful.
Brian who's blog is called Blacknick Sculpture. Wonderful sculptures on this blog. I Love the Sea Serpent, its fabulous.
Bozse who's blog is called My Tiny World: Dollhouse Miniatures, lots to see on this blog. Bozse has made some great minis.
Blue Kitty Miniatures who's blog has the same name Blue Kitty Miniatures. Lovely blog again filled with Artisan crafted Minis. I love the Pineapple Ice Bucket, reminds me of my parents, they had one of these. Blue Kitty is also a member of the TeamMids Group.
And last but not least is CWPoppets who's blog also has the same name CWPoppets. Lots of Sculpted Miniatures and some needle felted sculpture as well.

As always please go over and say Hi.... Enjoy xxx

Have You Heard The News ???

I was supposed to be going to the Hospital to see my Consultant tomorrow, for the results of my CT Scan. But this afternoon I had a telephone call from the Hospital, saying that due to the Volcano erupting in Iceland, my Consultant can't get back into the UK. All flights have been grounded! The truth is often stranger then fiction.
To read the full story click here. News Report..
So now I'm going to have to wait for another appointment to come through and just hope it won't be another six weeks...

Tuesday 13 April 2010

A Mini Giveaway...

A little while ago, MiniKat over at Little Thoughts From An Average Mind, had a give away on her blog and I was the lucky name pulled out by her little rabbit "Tempie".
How lucky am I?.
Yummy Chocolate and Miniatures, what a fantastic combination.
Thank you so much Kat, I'm in Love with the little cuddle bunnies, how cute are they and chocolate is always appreciated. xxxx

Monday 12 April 2010

A Little Update..

Just a little update. Here's the shelves I showed you last night that I'd distressed. This morning they got a bit more of a rub, with the sandpaper and I've also added along the bottom, some tiny little brass nails that look like knobs, as you can see I wanted to be able to hang stuff on there. Yes I know the knobs are not straight, but it adds to the ambiance. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. What you see on the shelves may not be staying there, I just filled them quickly to take the picture.
Be back later...xxxx

Sunday 11 April 2010

Weird & Wonderful Call...

Today I was talking to Nikki over at Witch & Wizard Miniatures. We do that quite a lot. If anyone had been eaves dropping on our conversation, they would have thought we both needed to be in the Looney Bin.
Nikki was saying, that she was really worried that she still hasn't made enough for Kensington. So I said to her, right tell me over the phone what you've made and I'll make a list, then I'll read it back to you and I bet your be surprised at what you've got. So Nikki was walking round opening boxes and telling me the contents over the phone.
Well can you imagine, there was mention of pots of bones, blood, potions, hanging pumpkins, mandrakes, dragon skin, Cauldrons and dissecting boards, to name a few. Then the pair of us get the giggles about nothing in particular. I think our respective families think we are quite mad. LOL. (Refer to the above photograph of the Owls, this is one of mine and Nikki's favourite photographs, I'll leave it up to you to put a name to the Owls). Anyway after reading the list back to Nikki, I think even she was surprised at just how much she has made. She's got some lovely surprises that she hasn't shown on her blog yet and a few more items to finish and a few she wants to start, but she's definitely getting there..
This evening while Mick and the boys were watching the TV. I've been distressing white wood furniture again for Diagon Alley, well for the Apothecary to be exact. I'm really pleased that I've managed to match up the colour to the other table and Bookcase, that I had already distressed for in there. Hopefully, tomorrow I can start rearranging the tables and all the other bits and pieces.


I have some new followers Welcome one and all..
They are:-
Michelle who's blog is called Michelle's Poppenhuis En Miniaturen, it's a beautiful blog and for those of you that like Shabby Chic your like this.
Lunanoa2003 who I can't find a blog for.
Hifly again who I can't find a blog for.
Lorraine who's blog is called Dollhouse Mini's by Dfly Creations. Lorraine hasn't been blogging long. I'm her first follower. She also has a website called Dfly Creations and an Etsy shop in which she currently has some Witch/Wizard stuff.
Ivana who seems to be following me twice. She has a beautiful blog called Miniaturas Brasileiras - Brazilian Miniatures.
Petite Creation who's blog is also called Petite Creation. Lots of yummy mini food on this blog.
Kirsty who's blog is called Mini Menagerie. Kirsty makes the most wonderful cute miniature animals. A lot of you will know Kirsty from over on CDHM. Prepare for cute overload..
Fantasyli Li who again I can't find a blog for.
Natascha who's blog is called A World Of Miniatures. Natascha is new to the blogosphere, but has already shared some lovely minis on her blog.
Alita who's blog is called Alita y su rincon, Lots of mins on this blog as well.
KLC who again I can't find a blog for.
Dee who's blog is called Time Tamed. Dee sculpts miniature animals and is currently workinon a cat.
And last up is Lucky Little Fringer who again I can find no information on.

As always please go over and say Hi.... xxxx

Saturday 10 April 2010

My Softie For Shelby...

I posted about this earlier today, Softies for Shelby.
Well today I've been making my Softie. I first saw this pattern over on Nikki's blog near Christmas, which was done by Elsie Marley. I really liked this little bitten Gingerbread Man, he is supposed to be a hanging decoration. However, I've blown the pattern up and the one I've made today is approximately eleven inches high.
Now I'm not the greatest needle woman, but I was really pleased with how he's turned out. I was worried about using buttons, so instead I've used soft little flowers that I've sewn on.
I hope Shelby likes him...