Friday 26 March 2010

Yesterday's Stash..

Yesterday we brought in four stacking units from the Garage. The smaller blue one of the four, is full to the brim with scrapbook kits, papers and card. The next one is filled with Stamps, paints, scrapbook bits and pieces and loads of odds and ends. The last blue one is filled with miniature Teddy Bear Kits waiting to be sewn. Mohair and other teddy bear materials. Cotter pins, eyes etc.
The big black unit contains paints, varnishes, paint brushes and all manner of bits and pieces. These are all getting a really good sort out.
I did find in one of the drawers yesterday a Match Box, but its not a normal Matchbox. When you open it it contains a little Christmas scene.
I also found some tiny Knitted Toys.
As I said to Mick, I honestly believe the boxes have been breeding out there in the Garage, as I don't remember having all this stuff. There is loads more still to sort...


  1. What an incredible stash of treasures! Wonderful to keep finding things you didn't know you had.

  2. With all this stuff you're finding Debbie I can't imagine that you'll ever have a good excuse to go to the craft supply store again! We sure do know who to call when there is some little thing we need and just can't find anywhere - if it's not in your stash it won't exist ;)

  3. Hey Debbie,

    wieviele Kästen kommen da wohl noch zum Vorschein. Das sind ja Schätze die Du da hast!!!

    Und diese kleinen Stuben in einer Streichholzschachtel sind ganz bekannte deutsche Miniaturen aus der Stadt Seiffen im Erzgebirge.

    Liebe Grüße an Dich PuNo / Monika

  4. You are better assorted than a shop! In Italy shops have not all the sort of goodies that you keep in your garage. Have fun sorting them Rosanna

  5. Josje just found another box that I'd forgotten about..LOL

    Norma, I can always find a good excuse to go to the craft shop, I could run out of glue..LOL

    Danke Monika zu der Information über die Streichholzschachtel. Liebe und Umarmungen

  6. Rosanna, I think you'd enjoy having a rummage through all this stuff! xx

  7. Hi Debbie,

    I wish our shop would have all the stuff you have! It's a good thing I'm on another place of the world, or else I would come shopping at your house ;)

    The matchbox is lovely and I really like the drawings, wow!

    Have fun finding all the other stuff!

    groetjes Evelien

  8. I just want to come over and go thru your amazing stash with you. The stories that are probably connected to so many things. It would be the BEST time. Oh well I will just enjoy your pictures! Hugs~ Kim

  9. Oh, Debbie, I don't know how you could have been away from all your treasures for so long!! But what fun rediscovering everything!!


  10. I love stamps and yours look so amazing, especially those last four.

  11. Wow is there any end to it lol.

    I tried the breeding excuse with my Mick but it didn't fly.

    Now we are settled I really must haev a clear out as well. Every time we've moved the last 5 years I haven't had time to sort anythign so just kept packing it all up and moving.

    I've got boxes here I shipped over from England 6 years ago and still haven't opened :-)

  12. Methinks at one time you must have spent A LOT of time at craft/mini fairs, shops and anything remotely related to making things! lol What a fantastic stash of goodies Debbie! I love looking at all and I don't even own it! lol

    Michelle xxx

  13. LOL There MUST be glue in there somewhere Debbie! Or is it like mine and all crusty and unusable?? ;)
