Saturday 20 March 2010


Some new followers have joined us. A very Big Welcome to you all.
They are:-
Janice who's blog is called On Being A Mini Mum. Janice is very new to the blogging world. Looking forward to seeing your miniatures Janice.
Mar who has two blog's called My Small World and Reflections Of My Life. Mar has fabulous blog's and had already shared some beautiful printables. Thank you Mar.
Chimpourma who has seven blog's. Here's one of them "Aprendiz de artista".
Allie Lakin who's blog is called Mini Eats. Allie also has an Etsy Shop called Allies Minis.
Marinbambu who's blog is called El arcoiris de marinbambu.
Carol who's blog is called Starsgemini3. Carol makes the most wonderful miniature food and is a IGMA Artisan.
bogey_nc_98 who unfortunately I can't find a blog for, but is following quite a few miniature blogs.
Sylvia who's blog is called Lotjesdollshouse. I've been following Sylvia's blog for a long time, it is filled with the most wonderful miniature creations.
And last but not least is Stefanie, who's blog is called Sminiatures. Stefanie has only just started her blog.
As always please go over and say Hi.

Just to let you all know that I've added even more links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links Page.
If there's any links that you've found for blogs or miniature sites, please let me know and I'll add them..


  1. Thank you so much for your beautiful welcome!

  2. Hi Debbie, you have a wonderfully friendly blog! I found you through the kreativ blogger award from Tracy Topps. Wonderful to get to know you here... Rose
