Wednesday 24 March 2010

Welcome... Over 400 Now

Since Saturday I've had a few new followers join the ranks. So a very big welcome to you all.
They are:-
Morktar Alafosca who has five blogs one of which is called Altafulla Miniatures. She has only just started this blog.
Sanschichis who's blog is called Jyfoutoutemptit, lots of minis on there.
Marie who I can't find a blog for.
My Realitty who's blog is called My Realitty. This is filled with minis.
RiS who's only just started her blog called RiS' Toybox.
Monique Lemieux who's blog is called Coeur De Cerise. Monique is a Doll Maker.
Theresa who's blog is called Created By Theresa.
Alienory who's blog is called Lalki i mniatury Alienory. Some lovely minis on here.
Star who has two blogs, Beyond Wonderland and Homemade By Villa Solheia.
Machegioi who I can't find a blog for but have found a link to a Hobby and Recreational Site in Italy, called Made By Joy. Rosanna can you help me out here? Is this the person's site?
Lisette who has two blogs Oefenen en leren and Lisette's Miniaturen. Lisette has created some beautiful miniatures on this blog.
Susanne who again I can't find a blog for. Susanne if you have a blog please let me know and I'll add your link.
Rose Farnsworth Davis who has two blogs, Rose Farnsworth Davis where Rose introduces us to Mrs.T.Bagg and Mrs.T.Bagg Theater.
Debra Cripps who's blog is called Loyalist Cottage. A beautiful Blog Debra thanks for contacting me with your link.
Sprinces who's blog is called Sprinces Dreamweaver Sculpts and Blackberry Patch Gifts.
The Visionary Butterfly who's blog is called Visionary In Miniature.
And last but not least is Natalia, who's blog is called Scarlet Sails Miniatures.

Peep's if you make your profiles private we can't find you..
As always please go over and say Hi..


  1. Congratulations Debbie on over 400 blog followers!

  2. Hi,

    My blog is


    Debra Cripps

  3. Thank you Deb for contacting me with your blog address. I've updated your details..xx

  4. Congratulations on more than 400 followers. But I am not surprised as your blog is one of my very favorites. You not only are a great miniaturist but you are a warm and friendly person who shares your life with others. A pleasure to visit with you each day. (I just wish you did not have so much pain to go through.)

  5. Hi Debbie, thanks for the welcome in your blog. I have been reading your older posts today and am enjoying getting to know you better. You're very kind and it's a delight to have "met" you!

  6. Hi!I'm machegioia and the website about recreational hobbies is, it is not a personal blog but a free site where artists can register and upload and share their works.
    Thank you! :-) Your blog is very interesting!
