Monday 15 February 2010

Welcome ....

A Big welcome to some more followers, there are now over 360 of you. Welcome everyone.

My newest followers are:-
Christel Jensen who's blog is called Little Treasure. Christel makes the most wonderful miniatures and shares lots of her secrets over on You Tube. She also has an Etsy shop.
Hel who's blog is called She Does Other Stuff 2.
Janis from Canada who's blog is called Gardens Of Utopia. Janis sculpts the most wonderful figures. Just have a look at the baby Mermaid.
Lara who's blog is called Lara's Miniature World. Lara hasn't been blogging that long. Just have a look at the wonderful miniature turnings she's showed on her blog. Beautiful.
The Old Maid who is from Poland and who's blog is called The Sunny Hours 1:12 Miniatures. She is building Professor Snapes Office in 12th Scale. Looking forward to seeing how this all comes together.
Amy who's blog is called Amy's Miniatures and Smalls / Lundby Dolls Houses. Amy is an avid Lundby Lover, her words not mine.
Katie who's blog is called Katie's Strange World. Katie creates the weird and wonderful and also has an Etsy shop. She is also the Daughter of Julie Campbell, doll maker extraordinaire. Artistry certainly runs in that family.
Coby who's blog is called Coby's Wereldje or Coby's World in English. Coby shares lots of her craft on her blog, including her miniatures.
And last but not least is Julie Campbell Doll maker extraordinaire. Julie has two blogs Bellabelle's Blog , where she shows her wonderful sculpts. Just have a look at the Valentine's Children, beautiful. Her other blog is called Diary of an Edwardian Dolls House. In this blog, Julie is sharing the construction of Belle's Toy Emporium and its racing along..

As always please go over and say Hello...


  1. Hi Debbie thank you for youre welcome, my web blog is ;-)...

  2. Thank you Coby. I've updated your link..x

  3. Thanks for the lovely welcome Debbie, you know I thought I was following you and wondered why I didnt get any updates LOL
    julie xxx

  4. Julie I also thought you was already following me..LOL XXX

  5. Thanks for a wonderful welcome Debbie.
