Monday 1 February 2010

Presents From My Friend...

I meant to show you these yesterday, but forgot!
When Tanya came up, she arrived with a wonderful bunch of Lilies. I managed to fill two vases with them. They are my favourite flower, I just Love the heady perfume they give off and they also remind me of my Mum.
Kiera also gave me a present that she'd brought herself from her pocket money, two bottles of posh shower Gel that she'd wrapped beautifully.
Tanya also brought me a lovely little book by Helen Exley entitled My friend. (if you click on the name it will take you over to the web site.) Its full of friend sayings and also has a public declaration in the front of the book, which Tanya has filled in.
While Tanya was in Town, she went into the little shop where Mick got my wonderful Frog Jug from, and came back with this lovely little bird tray for me. The colours nearly match the Jug and it looks lovely on the shelves in the Kitchen.
Spoiled I should say so. Thank you Tanya for being such a wonderful friend, I forgive you the cracked cups... LOL..


  1. Lovely books ! I like the drawings.

  2. That little dresser top you have on your wall is filling up with some lovely things Debs.
    Debie xxxxxx

  3. What a wonderful little bird tray and beautiful lilies and you quite deserve it and more. You are so kind and supportive of your family, friends and fellow miniaturists/bloggers. Thank you for going on a search and rescue mission to find me. I changed my blog name with much fear and trepidation after considering doing so for about a year. I lost my blog roll and am having to visit around and let everyone know to please update it in their blog lists but as everyone is so busy (and I tend to be a sporadic blogger at times), I'm not sure it will be updated right away. Thanks again and I hope you'll update it to my new name, Peach Blossom Hill,


  4. Lovely presents Debbie....I LOVE that little bird tray.

    Looks great on your new hutch.

  5. Lovely bird tray.....I just love the picture of the baby bird in the second picture. Your lilies so pretty too! Love your shelf. You are filling it well. Hugs~ Kim

  6. Hi Deb...I just popped in to say hello...and wondered if it was the wrong blog...with all of the Yuletide stuff!
    Then after reading I understood the festive apparel...
    You look like you have been spoilt my girl...and why not!
    You've been through some tough totally deserve a lot of spoiling!
    Now pass me a mince pie and I'll toast your good health...
    Happy Midwinter!

  7. Your blessed with such nice friends,and I love all your beautiful pressents,have fun with it!


  8. being a huge lover of the feathered friends I fell in love with your wee birds Debbie! Your dresser is gorgeous! How is the leg now?? is it healing any?

  9. The flowers are so beautiful. Good idea to have two vases. Looks so much more special:)
