Sunday 16 August 2009

Oh What Fun We Had.... Medieval Fun Day

Before you trawl through these photographs, please look at the previous two posts that I made late last night..
We all had a brilliant Medieval Day.
We were a bit worried in the morning as the heavens opened and it tipped down with rain, but at 10.40am the rain stopped and out came the Sun. Ready for the Fair to open at 11am.
There were lots of different displays on Horseback put on by the Children. Meg's display was brilliant, she did acrobatics and she used a special skipping rope and the horse skipped over the rope while she was in the saddle. It was amazing to watch.
Harry's display went off without a hitch and he really played up to the crowd and got them Booing him, especially when he rode round with the severed head and then promptly threw it at me outside the ring.
Lowri played the part of the White Knight and did a Dressage Display on her Horse Romeo.
Carol did a display with her Shetland Pony to Music.
Unfortunately I missed quite a lot of the displays as I was running the Guess The Weight Of The Goats and Name The Pony, so Ben took lots of photo's for me.
There was also Stalls for everyone to have a go. "Splat The Rat", The Coconut Shy (Harry managed to win four!), The Lucky Dip, Tombola, Face Painting and Jewellery Making, Story Telling, "The Stocks", a licensed Bar and a Hog Roast and a huge Bouncy Castle Slide. There were also props all round the field which you could have your photograph taken in or on. The West Wales Farmers Bloodhounds also put on a display with the Hounds (please click on their name to be taken over to their website.) The Otter Hound Puppies were so cute. Jimmy Juggle who greeted people at the gate on Stilts dressed as a Knight, then did a Circus Skills workshop with the Children in the morning and in the afternoon performed his Fire Juggling Skills. (If you click on his name it will take you over to his Web Site).. We also run a Raffle, with some brilliant Prizes which had all been donated and no I didn't win the weekend away! Katie, Ben's girlfriend won an enormous Pig cuddly toy. I have no idea how she's going to get it back to Scotland. Think we will have to send it.
In the afternoon in the arena in the field we had Tug Of War, Juniors and then the Adults. Piggy Back Jousting and Space Hopper Hurdles. The Space Hopper Hurdles was one of the funniest things I've witnessed in a long time. If I hadn't been to the Loo before I watched it, I'd have peed myself laughing. The Adult races were Hysterical with lots of cheating going on with the Men's team, mentioning no names John! Ben and Harry did the Piggy Back Jousting and they won their first Joust, then in the Semi Final it all went Pear shaped and they both ended up on the ground.
We took hundreds of photographs, which I've loaded into my Photobucket, if you'd like to take a look, I bet the Space Hopper Hurdle ones will bring a smile to your face.
At the end of the Day, Donna asked me whether I'd like to keep a sheild as a momento, can you quess where I told her to stick it.. LOL..
So all in all a wonderful, exhausting Medieval Day and a great Big Thank you to Donna, John, Les and Jen for allowing it all to happen..


  1. Looks like i missed out on a great day!! Those pups are adorable. I would of been in the pen with them.x

  2. Oh, what a fab day you had!! Thank you so much for sharing it all with us! Love the photo of you with your "tankard" of ale!! Those pups are just TOO CUTE!!!! Hugs, Marsha

  3. what fun you must have had Debbie
    and beautiful weather!
    beautiful pictures great to see
    thank you that I was to enjoy the photos
    xx marja

  4. Blooming FANTASTIC !!!!!! I had a good look at your previous posts too Deb. Hard work goes into days like yours and the Riding Schools' and it all paid off for you all.
    Congrats to all who took part and I am sorry it was too far to drive up for. ((((((((( hugs )))))))))

    Debbei xxxx

  5. Oh! So neat! I'm gonna have to go check out the rest of your pics!! had to laugh when I seen them bouncing on the bouncing 'horses'!! So FUN!!! :)

  6. So great!!! it must have been a real fun and a gorgeous day! harry and Ebony are both so handsome and proud looking. Everyone seemed to enjoy the fair so much. I know it must have been exausting but cenrtainly worth doing.Congrats to you all

  7. It looks like a good time was had by all. What a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing!

  8. You have described your day well, Debbie. It felt like I was there. The pics of them on space hopper are indeed very funny It must be so much fun fun fun ..and my goodness, all that effort. Everyone was so game even the baby. I love all the props. Congratz to everyone!

  9. What a fun day Debbie! I'd say it's going to take you a while to adjust back to your real life!

  10. looks great Debbie! I really like the pictures you posted and I am happy that the weather was merciful and let you have a great day!

  11. FUN FUN FUN FUN .... Oh my goodness how I wished I could have been there...Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful time with us all


  12. What an amazing day! Thats a real one to be able to look back on with such great memories. It looked such fun, bet you didnt want it to ever end. Kate and John xx

  13. Wow! What a wonderful festival! Thank you for sharing your pix with us! I'm glad Harry did so well and had a good time. What wonderful memories he will have. He is a lucky young man!


  14. What fun :-D thank you for sharing these photos looks like my kind of day :-D
