Friday 28 August 2009

Not Much To Report on Mum

Hi there everyone just a quick update today.
Mum is doing fine and in good spirits, she was thrilled with the comments i took in for her and has had a good read of them.
The only real news is that she may be moved back to Carmarthen so it is easier for us to visit before her operation and then moved back up there the night before.
ill keep everyone updated through the week
and thank you all again for the comments you have been leaving and i hope i didnt scare to many of you with my last post lol.


  1. That would be good if they could get her closer to you Ben.

    Hang in there ((((()))))

  2. Ben, would you tell your mum that our Tempie bunny has survived her latest dental surgery and is back to eating again? Thank you. :-)

  3. How nice for you Ben!
    Now you can easily go to visit her
    hopefully they quickly turn to the operation
    there is a postcard on the way
    xx marja

  4. You know what they say: No news is good news! I am sure she'll be glad to be closer to her family! -ara

  5. Ben please pass on hugs and kisses to your Mum and to you and your family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. You did scare me> I just about had a fit when you said she flatlined. LOL I see you have her sense of humour. It will be nice that she will be a little closer for your visits. Giver her my best wishes and tell her that this time resting is "good" for her even though she does not like to be down.

  7. Ben,
    Can you email me her mailing address so I can send an audio book to her.

  8. Oh, my goodness! I hadn't had time to check in with everyone, Ben and completely missed your mother's heart issues! I am so sorry and hope she is on the mend very soon. Please tell her my prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery go out to her! (My 17 year old son is Ben as well so I think Debbie has wonderful taste in naming a son!) Please let her know I am worried about her and sending well wishes her way!

