Tuesday 4 August 2009

Harry's Armour..

Mick's parents came up on Sunday and brought Harry's Armour up for the Medieval day. He couldn't wait to try it on.
Mick's cousin Steve has lent the outfit to us. It is a film prop from the film First Knight with Richard Gere and Sean Connery. This is the armour worn by Richard Gere, when he played the part of Lancelot.
Steve's business is based at Elstree Studios, if you click on Steve's name it will take you over to the web site.
We just need to get Harry a long sleeved black top to wear underneath. He's going to take it up to the Riding School this week to practise wearing this lot on Horse back!
Yesterday, Harry and I spent the whole morning at the Riding School with some of the other Children painting Shields.. Hopefully, we now have enough for the fun day...
Mick's parent's left this morning and tomorrow Ben comes home from Scotland with Katie and we are also at a Horse Show. So this afternoon I'll be bathing the Ponies. Just waiting for the rain to stop!
If you watch the Youtube video, you can see Richard Gere at the end wearing the armour... Swoon........But I have to say Sean does it for me with that voice...


  1. How cool is that, OMG Richard Geres outfit|!!!!!!! It will be amazing, bet hes chuffed to bits! Kate xx

  2. Wooh !!!! Harry will be on the moon about it. The armour is great! and Richard too but I have always had a tender spot for Scots men. May be it's the accent ;o))

  3. Kate, we tried it all out again today with a roll neck and it looks great. x

    Rosanna I'm with you just love Sean's accent..x

  4. Wow Debbie. T that is just the coolest. Armour from a movie that Richard Gere wore!!! Really so neat. I can just imagine how happy he is not wearing carboard armour like my kids would have to wear if it were me doing it for them. LOl
    Thanks so much for sharing this. So happy for Harry :)

  5. LOL Kim if Mick's cousin hadn't lent us this Harry would have been wearing cardboard..x

  6. Oh, WOW, how absolutely KEWL is that!!! Richard Gere is good looking but Sean has it all!! A very handsome man and aged well too!!

  7. Marsha, Harry is over the moon, he hasn't seen the film so I managed to find the film clip on Youtube. I'm sure he can't wait to impress the girls at the Riding School..LOL

  8. Wow! That is fabsulous! That Richard Gere--soooooooooooooo good looking! Whew! I knew a fellow who was in midieval reenactments and he actually made his own armour. It was very professional looking and realistic.


  9. Debbie, you made me watch the trailer even though I have seen the movie like too many times cos HBO kept running it!! Just to see if it is the same outfit Richard Gere wore! OMG! Can you still smell him? lol. Did Harry cut his hair to look just like Richard cos there is an uncanny resemblance especially with the armour ;)!

  10. Jody I don't think my skills would have run to making a set of armour for Harry.

    Sans I was saying to Mick this morning about how long Harry's hair is, but having looked at the trailer again it is the same as Richards..LOL
    How's that for getting into character. LOL

  11. How wonderfully COOL is that!!! Tell Harry he looks even better than Richard Gere in it... which he does...

    What fun times


  12. Lucky Harry! Real armour! He will be the man of the day with that!

  13. How thrilling! And I can't imagine any provenance being cooler than that; Richard Gere, Lancellot and all!

  14. he looks great!!!
    en ohhhhhhhh richard gere........
    have a fun day!
    x marja

  15. WooooooooooooooooooooooW how cool is that armour! And very sexy too ;-)

  16. Harry looks great and didn't realise this was the actual prop from the film. Amazing! Tell Harry he looks fantastic!
    Sounds like you are busy as usual and with far too much going on.
    The time has flown by since Ben went away for two weeks and now is coming back! Where did that time go and vanish to?

  17. Jodi, Harry loved your comment!

    Casey he is the only young man that goes to the Riding School. All the other boys are little. So will definitely be the Young Man of the Day..x

    Cate, Harry thinks its so Cool! x

    Thanks Marja, just hoping the weather stays nice. x

    Kat, Glad you like it..x

    Nikki, yes two weeks gone already! He got home safe with Katie..x

  18. You've got to be kidding me!!! That is one of my very fav. movies! How cool!!!

  19. I LOVE the movie First Night! How awesome is that that he gets to wear the real stuff from the movie! Lucky kid!!!
