Friday 14 August 2009

Bad Blogger..

Can't believe that I haven't posted for nearly a week! Bad Blogger..
Its been hectic here to say the least.
Monday I spent the whole day up at the Riding School painting jumps and props, came home grabbed a bite to eat then back again for our last committee meeting before Saturday.
Tuesday took my car to the Garage, where it still is! Then came back and our Hay was being baled. So spent till 9pm getting the bales into the barn, then came in and collapsed with exhaustion.
Wednesday morning got the rest of the Hay in and then tried to catch up with Housework and washing. Our friends arrived about 11pm after moving up from Kent to spend the night and meet the removal men early Thursday morning at their New Home..
Thursday spent all day with Frank & Lorraine, washing cupboards, hoovering and helping unpack. Came back home about 6.30pm last night and cooked dinner for the masses. Frank & Lorraine came up here for dinner and showers as they have no hot water. Hopefully that's being sorted out today.
Which brings us to today.. We are going back up the Riding School to set everything up for the Medieval Day tomorrow and help with the full Dress Rehearsal and also try and get back to Frank and Lorraine's to help with more unpacking.
So although I've been a Bad Blogger, I've been a very, very busy Bee... x


  1. Debbie, I am just happy to hear that you are ok! I think that we all were beginning to wonder if everything was all right. Have fun at Medieval Day!

  2. Debbie- you put me to shame- I feel very lazy now! I hope you get some time after Medieval Day to rest a bit. I think you will need it!! Take care :)

  3. Debbie, be sure to tell us more about the Medieval fair!! I know you may be even busier tomorrow at the fair but don't forget to have fun, take all the rides, play all the games and "guillotine" as many heads as you can!

  4. Ooooh...busy busy.

    I haven't posted in a week either...busy at the beginning then couldn't get it or had lost my following list.

    Have fun tomorrow !

  5. Wow, you have had a crazy week!! I think you definitely deserve some mini time next week, when hopefully things will be a bit less hectic! Have a great day tomorrow.

  6. Wow, you have been busy! Don't worry about us here - we'll be ready when you come back! You are a great friend and mom!

  7. You are not a bad blogger as many of the sites I follow do not post every day. I am just glad to see that you are still posting. It amazes me how you accomplish everything you do and still maintain a blog as well as create miniatures. You are a wonder woman.

  8. Too much for one person!!! I promise I shall never complain again about my work! Big hugs Rosanna

  9. Sounds like you have had your hands full. I also have been a little slow - not only on blogging, but also on my "to do list" and hobbies like minis and repurposing jewelry.. That is ok - one day at a time. Have a great weekend

  10. Glad to hear all is well....I was about to email you to see if everythig is OK!! Hope you guys have fun at Msdieval Day! Don't forget to take lots of pictures!!! :)

    Any movement from those babies yet??? The Mommas must be miserable by now?!


  11. I missed you all Debbie
    but your friends also need help
    and then the knight party ..
    I see you will be back blogging here!
    take good care of yourself
    xx marja

  12. Bad Blogger maybe - Good Friend, certainly!
