Tuesday 7 July 2009

Quick Update...

Just to let you all know that having spoken to BT again yesterday. They are sending us a new Router within the next 2-3 days as a good will gesture! They still tried to get us to fix the problem over the phone even after the Engineer told them and us the Router we have is faulty... So hopefully very soon, we will have a Internet connection that works without going off intermittently.
A couple of you left comments on the last post saying that you can't see the pictures, I have no idea why as I can and some others can, but you can't..????? I hope it was just a blogger glitch and everyone can see them now. Please let me know if you still can't see them..
On the home front we had our local farmer here yesterday to deliver some straw and hay as we've completely run out and then the Blacksmith all afternoon doing the Ponies hoofs, then another meeting at the Riding School last night to go over all the things that we've managed to arrange for the Medieval Fun Day on 15th August. I'm still making shields to hang all around the fencing, I can honestly say I never want to make another one ever again, I think after the first couple of hundred the Novelty wears off. I found these Heraldry Pictures on my free Dover sampler. Just click on the word Dover, to be taken over to their home page, they have lots of free samplers that can be used in Miniature makes. Thought I'd share them here in case any of you can use them in any of your mini projects. I'm also taking a couple of the Ponies for a Petting Corner and doing "Guess The Weight Of The Pony"! Don't worry I don't have to physically pick them up and weigh them, we use a special tape measure...xx


  1. Debbie do you ever sleep? You are such a busy woman!! Thanks for the Dover link, I'm off to check it out now.

  2. I feel your pain over the router situation. I made nearly 10 phone calls just trying to figure out whether it was the router or modem with the phone company saying it wasn't the modem (turns out it was) and lots of frustration. Finally back online now. Love those shields. I used to subscribe to Dover and when I changed my e-mail, I forgot to re-up! Thanks for the reminder.

    Mini Leaps and Bounds

  3. Debbie, I still can't see the pictures, nor could I see the ones on the post that began with: Grrrrrrrr!! Not sure as to why the pictures don't come up?? But I can see the pictures today! Those are neat~ You'll have to show us what you've been working on when you get a chance!! :)

  4. You must be really frustrated. I tried for days to speak to a real person for a problem I had with my computer. Then after 3 different people were here scratching their heads and using a new modem, I changed servers. It is better but I would love to not have that problem again. Good Luck. Judy

  5. I still can't see them Deb. And your background does not come through either. I thought it was just my computer so I hoped it would be okay by your next post. But it is still the same today and the pictures are still not there.

  6. I can see the pics :-)

    Hope they get it all sorted for you....and fast !

  7. I hope the router situation will clear up soon!!!!

    Thank you for sharing the link...love the shields,my family has his own shield and I want to make it some day in big and mini...?

    If I find the time,haha!

