Monday 25 May 2009


Mick's just taken these Pictures of Beau and I just had to share them with you. This little boy is two weeks old today.
I wish the others would hurry up and arrive, then he'd have someone to play with...
What a handsome little boy he is...


  1. OMG Debbie hes handsome little guy

  2. What a fuzzy little cutie pie, I just want to hug him :-)

  3. Dear Debbie, I'm back. I'll try to make up with the lost time...First of all: best wishes to you and Mick, you are a brilliant couple and look so happy together. Second: Beau is really beautiful, I'd like to see him romping around. Hugs

  4. Awwwwwwww Debbe hes adorable. Are you ok? You must be very tired. Those 5 little fat puddings are really holding onto their little bundles of joy. Heres hoping we hear the sound of tiny little feet soon.
    ((((((( hugs )))))))
    Debie xxx

  5. Happy 2 week birthday Beau! He is so adorable Debbie. I bet he makes you smile a whole bunch. Mini hugs!

  6. He's delightful, if he is lonely I'm sure some of 'us' can come and play!! You know what is going to happen with the remainders....they will all decide to arrive on the same night!

  7. He's ever so cute and really beautiful.
    Hope the others come soon. The waiiting must be driving you mad.
    My prediction didn't come true then.
    I really thought Sunday would be the day.
    Nikki x

  8. Debbie - he is a darling. I just wish I could pet him. He will be Lord of the Manor by the time the others are born. But I hope you are getting a little rest before they get here.

  9. How cute!! and such a handsome little guy...In Dutch we say,het is echt een schatje!


  10. Oh hes adorable I just want to hug him!

  11. ooooohhhhh debbie he is loveley!!
    hugs marja

  12. Wish I could hug him! So soft and gorgeous.

    Mini Hugs, Jean
