Sunday 12 April 2009

Welcome Miriam..

A Big Welcome to Miriam from Fairy Studio Kallies.
Miriam sculpts the most wonderful Fairy's, Pixies, Mermaids and Witches...
Miriam also sells on EBay, and is one of my favourite sellers, not that I've ever won any of her sculpts.. LOL.. She also has a web site.
I came across her blog today and I looked through all her posts and all I can say is they are fantastic... Just wait till you see the Mouse on her most recent post..Awesome..

As always please go over and say Hello to this very talented Lady....


  1. Thank you so much dear Debbie to following my blog:O)
    I´m highly honored that you like my creatures:O)
    Big hugs,

  2. You are very Welcome Miriam. I love your creations..
